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[24 Jan 2010|02:40am]
I'm looking for the nice guy she falls for who turns out to be not so nice at all. The line is for [info]luxurymod and I'd be happy to discuss more details.
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[24 Jan 2010|04:08pm]
Can I find someone to play against me in any of these lines?

- Harry Potter
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Doctor Who/Torchwood
- King of Shadows
- Tamora Pierce
- The Dark Heaves Trilogy by Kylie Chan
- The West Wing
- Anne of Green Gables
- Gossip Girl
- Labyrinth
- The Tudors/Historical
- True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries
- Original Lines
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[24 Jan 2010|06:57pm]
[info]biglove is an established rpg based off HBO's show about mainstreamed Independent Mormon Fundamentalists in Provo, Utah, but with original characters. We're looking for all sorts of characters for the game: friends, teenaged children, neighbors, enemies. My character's name is John and I'm looking specifically for a replacement for his wife and mother of his two children--unfortunately, that player had to drop out. If you're interested, you need not take over the PB (Rachel Weisz) or keep her history, but I want to keep the children (Leah and Ethan) and would ask that the PB be old enough to realistically have a seven-year-old daughter--my character, John, is thirty-seven.

I'd be glad to chat and brainstorm with you if this sounds like something you'd like to do.
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[24 Jan 2010|08:52pm]
Smallville? Anyone? I'd pretty much try any parings at this point, but my faves would be Lois/Clark, Oliver/Clark, Lex/Clark.
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