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[18 Jan 2010|09:29am]
Hello there, I'm Mandy Jean, and I play Rosemary Wong at [info]reddoors. Red Doors is a modern-realistic family game based on the film of the same name about a "... bizarrely dysfunctional Chinese-American family."

As "The Closeted Lesbian", I'm looking for someone to take up the role of "The Lesbian Actress."

Any takers?
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[18 Jan 2010|09:40am]
Looking for a few new lines to keep me busy. Here's a few ideas:

@ They are a couple - maybe even newlyweds - but they are facing a big problem they want a child but things don't work out. So they are asking his father to help out (or even his brother). Little do they know that eventually feelings spark between her and the brother (or father) - which suddenly changes everything.. [I would play the girl in this]

@ He is a teacher - either teaching at a highschool or a college. He's gay but has to hide it - at least while on campus. Little does he know that the new teacher is gay would be fun if one of them or both are a little older but I am fine with young faces too [I can play either]

@ He's divorced but he's getting along well with his kids. He has two sons both are living with him. When his son brings home a girlfriend that's ten years older than his son he's not too happy about it. But he tries to respect it. But soon feelings spark between the father and his son's girlfriend..whats next? [I'd be playing the father here]
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[18 Jan 2010|03:04pm]
Is anyone up for an Adam Lambert and Taylor Lautner slash line? celeb, pb, au, whatever. i just really want to try these two out. I prefer threading, but for this line i wouldn't mind trying out AIM. I picture them talking online a lot, and i think it would be easier just using IM for that part rather then threads. So, maybe half and half? Anyway, i have some sl ideas if anyone is interested.
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[ viewing | January 18th, 2010 ]
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