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Supernatural Group PSL [03 Jan 2010|03:38am]
We need Raphael, Chuck Shurley, Zachariah, Meg Masters & others.

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[03 Jan 2010|05:37am]
[info]altamontacademy Looking for Adam Lambert, Matt Giraud, and other Season 8 American Idol alumni to join my Kris Allen in a PB comm. SLs are flexible. If interested, please comment or PM me.
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[03 Jan 2010|12:42pm]
Looking for a home for Zac Efron
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[03 Jan 2010|01:45pm]
Looking for a Hunter Parrish/ Zac Efron/ Jake Gyllenhaal for a brother/sister or older/younger line. Also would anyone be interested in a mafia related psl?

Also interested in a forbidden affair line.  Also I am looking for a line for my Megan Fox PB - she takes whatever guy she wants no matter what age or if he's married or not. She is not wasting her time with feelings or cheesy romance. Until she falls for a guy that could (not just literally) break her neck. Any takers? Also fun could be any kind of nerdy guy, underage or business kind of guy.... Brainstorming is always lovely too.
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[03 Jan 2010|03:14pm]
Looking to try rping Jo Harvelle from Supernatural. Anyone interested in a line? I have some plot ideas in my journal.
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weird pairings anyone? [03 Jan 2010|03:55pm]
looking for a couple of slightly unusual Supernatural psls.

I have a Jo Harvelle looking to play against a Sam Winchester.
And I have an Anna Milton looking to play against a Gabriel.
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[03 Jan 2010|05:22pm]
Alright. I want a PSL> Group or one on one. Harry Potter or something else. If it's HP Slytherin's would be love. Not Next-Gen. MWPP/Tom Riddle etc. Other fandoms- Southern Vampire Mystery, Star Trek Voyager, Star Wars, Historical, The Tudors, Anne of Green Gables, Labyrinth, CSI, King Arthur, The Dark Heavens Trilogy, The Wafayer Redemption, Tamora Pierce or Isobelle Carmdoy.

Check out my ideas if interested?
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[03 Jan 2010|06:37pm]
Looking to fill a line for [info]lowest, which I am starting but isn't quite finished/open yet. Much of the idea is negotiable, however, basically the game takes place in hell, and this woman here killed her twin sister so that she could be with her twin's husband. When the husband realized what happened, he then killed this woman. A few years later, he died (whatever reason you wish), and so now they have to suffer each other's presence again, in hell this time. She is still madly (and I do stress madly) in love with him, but this doesn't really have to end up romantic!

If you're interested, you can reach me at shooterxkitty on aim or reply here and I'll set up a thread for us.
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[03 Jan 2010|07:49pm]
[info]whhs! David Henrie for an epic bffl line!
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[03 Jan 2010|10:48pm]
would anyone want to do an Away We Go psl with any of the girls in my icons? it doesn't have to be a conventional pairing at all.

I'd really like to do greta salpeter, if it helps!
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[03 Jan 2010|10:56pm]
Brandon Flowers??
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