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[21 Dec 2009|01:08pm]
Wanted: a Hannibal Lecter (PB: Gaspard Ulliel) for my sociopathic murdering cannibal OC, in a LJ community. Hit me up for more details at undo constantine
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[21 Dec 2009|07:25pm]

Looking for a few new lines...


a. Girl falls for her boss  - either she's a secretary or a nanny. He's probably married  or newly divorced. Could be her age or  older.

b. Girl is dating boy and they get engaged but then she's having an affair with his (twin) brother..

c. She's dating a hot guy, all her girlfriends are jealous. But then she has a horrible accident, she can't walk or her face bears a scar now. Her oh-so-hot boyfriend leaves her. The nerdy guy that had been working with her visits her everyday. When she's better - maybe several surgeries later - things have also bloomed between her and nerd. But now the hot ex is back....what will she do?

d. She and him. Had been the dreamcouple but they split up. He soon has a new girlfriend but it's more to soothe his ego. When on a family party his ex turns up so her son gets to see his grandma - he's talking to his ex again, making his new girl totally jealous...will they find together again?

Looking to play the girl in all lines. Any takers?

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[ viewing | December 21st, 2009 ]
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