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[15 Nov 2009|12:53am]
Anyone down for a late night PSL session? Check the journal for more info. I can also be reached on "Rumsoakedpirates" to discuss possible lines.
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[15 Nov 2009|01:02am]
Long shot but... Legend of the Five Rings psl anyone? I will even settle for filling someone unfamiliar with the books in and just adapting certain aspects of it into our own original line. That actually sounds like more fun. It's a whole world, so plenty of room to explore and do whatever we'd like. Some amount of research may be required, but not much! You can catch me on aim at shooterxkitty or drop a comment in my journal for plotting. Slash and threading only.
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[info]londoncity [15 Nov 2009|12:15pm]
Sheetal Sheth as this girl's love interest?
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[15 Nov 2009|12:22pm]
[info]londoncity Could I get a big brother for this guy before ads tonight. Maybe a Jeph Howard or Matthew Gray Gubler PB. Someone who looks remotely like him and in their late twenties, early thirties. There's quite the line that comes with my boy, if that's any incentive.
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[15 Nov 2009|02:03pm]
i want either mika nakashima, g dragon, or key from SHINee for a specific line at [info]oricon, please.
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[15 Nov 2009|03:05pm]
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[15 Nov 2009|10:01pm]

James needs his father, the US Secretary of Defence, who is villainised by some and exalted by others for his part in the war against 'mutants.' But this same man is actually a mutant himself, attempting to change the world from within. Anyone interested in political intrigue, moral greyareas and a very complicated father-son dynamic should apply! More detail to be found here.
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[ viewing | November 15th, 2009 ]
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