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[12 Aug 2009|09:10am]
I am looking for Peter, Sylar, or Nylar for my Elle.

I would like an angst line, not fluff.

Perhaps where she was saved or brought back to life and has baby Noah?

However, I am easy to work with and just want to play her so I‘ll go along with whatever the other person wants.

All I ask if for someone active, I am tired of flakey people.
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[12 Aug 2009|10:34am]
[info]darknocturne[info]mainstreaming We need more shifters! We also need all of our premades filled!
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[12 Aug 2009|08:45pm]
Eric is in the market for an underling to put up with his quicksilver moods, style his hair when he gets blood in it and co-run that vampire bar of his called Fangtasia. Pam would be ideal, but there doesn't seem to be any over here. Jessica, Bill and Chow would be rather nice to have around while I'm at it. Anyone? Bueller? ♥
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[12 Aug 2009|09:22pm]
[info]backdrops, a psl community in the tradition of /players!
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[ viewing | August 12th, 2009 ]
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