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[20 Jul 2009|12:00am]
[info]mythos Looking for an older (40s+) male PB to play her biological father and to fill the Zeus line listed here.

He's relatively wealthy (his job would be up to you) and he carried on an affair with Ella's mother ([info]lilylily) about eighteen/nineteen/twenty years ago. Sixteen years ago, they were found out by his wife. Around that same time, Lily discovered she was pregnant and she fled to Louisiana without saying a word. He only found out about his bastard child when Hurricane Katrina struck and Lily called him, begging him to get her daughter to safety. Ella stayed with him for about a week and ignored him the whole time. It's been almost four years since then and she hasn't spoken to him since, though he's been quietly keeping tabs on her.

You can read her bio for more information. :D I don't care who his PB is, but I'd prefer if he could have realistically fathered a fair complexioned red head.
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[20 Jul 2009|01:27pm]
[info]darknocturne Humans and other otherworldly beings!
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[ viewing | July 20th, 2009 ]
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