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a long shot! [18 Jul 2009|12:04am]
But I think a World of Warcraft PSL would be pretty sweet. I'm working on my psl journal as I type this.
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[18 Jul 2009|12:18am]
Hi, I play Madeline Stewart, (an non abilities OC) over at [info]fated_times - Heroes fandom game set in 2014, where President Sylar Nathan Petrelli is in control and in the middle of a attack things go wrong and opens a rip in time to pull any Heroes character Villains, Human, OC, AU children, teenagers their selves, and the in-between from any timeline all brought to 2014.

Madeline is in the need for co-works within the White House, who will be in the timeline the game is set in.

She would love Mohinder who is now adviser to Sylar Nathan to speak with.

She would also like Matt Parkman, who would be the Director of Homeland Security, so they can bicker about Nathan Petrelli schedule.

Anyone else is welcomed as well!

If interested please go to [info]fated_mods
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[18 Jul 2009|12:12pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Looking for a femme psl for Adrienne Barbeau here. Very open to whichever female wants to try. She hasn't really had a psl that lasted longer than a week, and I'm looking for someone who would like to try a longer storyline.

Threading or AIM is fine. You can message me on AIM at barbeauadrie.

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[18 Jul 2009|05:17pm]
check the journal please!
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[18 Jul 2009|05:42pm]
[info]duvet a game with a generous update limit, great writing and friendly players. If you are in search of a city-based game that will stick around and challenge your writing skills as well as supply you with fun, please come on over. We would love to have you.
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[18 Jul 2009|07:51pm]
Is there anyone that plays Zachary Quinto that wants to pair him with my Chris Pine?

Threading, PSL only. I have some ideas but I’m willing to brainstorm. That being said if anyone needs a Chris Pine to fill a storyline then let me know.

Absolutely no flakes. Long term only. If you think you’re going to flake on me and stop replying then don’t waste my time please. =)
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[18 Jul 2009|08:47pm]
I would love someone for a femme line at [info]audience with my Vanessa.
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[18 Jul 2009|10:00pm]
I'm looking for a femme slash or a het psl for my Megan Fox.
Celeb or pb is fine, willing to discuss a sl.
Either PM or comment if interested.
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[18 Jul 2009|11:33pm]
Any one on this late and want to play on AIM? Please, i'm super bored and not ready for bed yet! I'm currently on the AIM name "Rumsoakedpirates" Feel free to hit me up!

Would anyone be up for playing WentWorth Miller, Robert Pattinson or Tyler Hilton for me in a PB storyline? I could really use some more lines and I will play anyone(yes, a male :-) ) in return for you.
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