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[07 Jul 2009|12:43am]
I was wondering if there was anyone out there that played a Ten or a Duplicate Doctor and wouldn't mind a line or two against a Rose. Long term would be great or even something that can lead to a community of some sort but it's not required. I'm always up for bouncing ideas back and forth. If interested just check the journal or PM. Thanks!
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[07 Jul 2009|01:59pm]
[info]rogerebert a dramatic ex-boyfriend line!
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[07 Jul 2009|06:13pm]
could i please get a Shane Gelinas or T. Mills to play against my Melissa Marie in a pb psl? i'd like to use journals for spamming, mix tapes, etc and aim for scening and iming each other. not for it to sound too fluffy, because i'd like some usual couple drama and all that. leave a comment or you can pm this journal :)
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[07 Jul 2009|07:06pm]
[info]rogerebert the nate to his chuck bass? an ex-line? some childhood friends/enemies?
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[07 Jul 2009|10:01pm]
Home for Marissa Festa?
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[ viewing | July 7th, 2009 ]
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