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[14 Jun 2009|12:18am]
I've been wanting to bring this Jensen Ackles PB back to life, so he needs a good home.
He's a wounded US Army veteran, so perhaps somewhere based near a military base or his hometown (Newnan GA, about 40 miles outside Atlanta.).
Storylines would be a definite plus- perhaps family or a significant other that waited for his return?
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Seeking PSLs [14 Jun 2009|01:16am]
I tend to like balance in my numbers, but I have three more males than females. It seems I may lose a couple of my females soon, too, to line inactivity. Can I get a thread based line or two for some female characters? PBs, ideas, and general preferred themes are in the journal.
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[14 Jun 2009|06:07pm]
[info]rogerebert i need a colin farrell for a best friends/rivals line. he'd have the credits of stone temple pilots/scott weiland. more or less, they like to beat the shit out of one another and do a lot of drugs. i'm also looking for band members.
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[14 Jun 2009|06:27pm]

I was wondering if anyone was interested in a Doctor Who line? If you are then please PM. Thanks! :)
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[14 Jun 2009|07:05pm]
[info]demoniac! Het line for [info]njjames. Threading. Species doesn't matter. I'm just looking for some good writing and a fun/unique/dark romantic line. I'm not particular about the pb you use though. As long as the line/writing is good.
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[ viewing | June 14th, 2009 ]
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