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[12 Jun 2009|06:58am]
Would anyone be interested in a mcfly celeb slash psl? I have a friend who'd play Dougie. I'd be interested in playing Danny. So that means we'd love to find someone to play Tom and Harry. We don't have any set in stone preferences as far as couples, so that's up for discussion. Comment here if you're interested.
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[12 Jun 2009|05:54pm]
[info]hydepark_corner - vampires and werewolves wanted. Tom Hardy and Hans Matheson pbs wanted for specific werewolf lines. Father and sister already in game.
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[12 Jun 2009|10:29pm]
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for someone to come and join [info]morana_hill for my character [info]ezekiel_moseley.
It'll be a pretty dark slash relationship line. I am looking for someone to try and bring Ezekiel out of the closet, but in a very aggressive manner. The storyline will involve physical violence, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, but at the same time this will hopefully create an intense connection between the two men.
The PB is a little important in the sense that I don't want any PB's that are smaller than Ezekiel's PB so no skinny emo boys or scene kids. Someone strong built. Their character of course will matter more in that they will be proud of their homosexuality and strive for Zeek to be too. It's all about an intense build up with them and a constant struggle. I have ideas as to how the whole thing will start too, I just need someone to help.

I know that what I am looking for is rather specific, but it's something I have thought about a lot. And I am hoping someone out there can help.

Reply here if you are interested in taking up the role.

Thank you for your time.
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