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Need Some Storylines Filled [17 May 2009|01:20pm]
[I NEED] Ron Weasley & Charlie Weasley & Death Eaters!
[GAME] [info]doublecrossed A 2004 postwar game where someone has set off the Dark Mark again.
[I PLAY] Hermione Granger (living with Ron, impatiently waiting for him to propose!) & Rabastan Lestrange (leading the DEs with Rodolphus) & Hestia Jones (married to Charlie w/ 1 daughter and pregnant with triplets, they just returned to London)

[ABOUT ME] My name is Alicia. I'm 24. Creative Writing is my minor. Excellent grammar & spelling. Active! Friendly!
[EXPERIENCE] Over 10 years on a variety of mediums (tabletop, chatrooms, messageboards, yahoogroups, journals, etc). 11 in the SM fandom, 8 in BtVS, 6 in HP, 5 in VC, 3 in RE & SH. Current/Previous characters/games are located here at my character journal on ij.
[WANT] Activity. Quality. Canon.
[DON'T WANT] The Usual- mean people, bad grammar, crap spelling, netspeak, inactivity, etc.
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[17 May 2009|01:37pm]
I'd love for more lines with this girl over at [info]timesquare. She is only 16, but acts older then she really is, and would be open to any one coming in for lines. Friends or otherwise, though it would be nice to have more people YOUNGER to associate with these handful of younger kids.

I would love for someone to come in who is younger (16-18) for a romantic line with her, and she is in need of a few friends who are not her friends because of her sister - who is famous. She needs more normal friendships and people to talk to desperately.
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[17 May 2009|02:29pm]
I need: Jacob, Carlisle, Emmett, Esme, Jasper and several others, actually!
The game: [info]forevermod A twilight AU/Canon RP

We need a jacob to start the game and we can start our storylines!
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[17 May 2009|05:30pm]
Supernatural slashy lines. (not the show) Psls for the summer. could be one night only or long term. celeb au, pb, whatever. if interested feel free to ping me at diaryfthedead and ask who I play? suggestions always welcome.
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[17 May 2009|06:23pm]
Finally out of the Spring/Winter semester and am taking the summer off, so now I've finally got some time to write. I've got a few ideas, so please, check the journal.
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