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[04 May 2009|03:43pm]
after watching "the hitcher" i kind of want a dark storyline based around that idea. so it'd be nice if i could find someone open-minded. i want to play sean bean against a younger girl. i was thinking of an alternative ending to the movie. instead of the sophia bush character shooting sean and ultimately killing him, she allows her vulnerability to kind of take the best of her and give in to his psychotic lifestyle. think of the stockholm syndrome. you wouldn't have to necessarily play sophia bush either. if you're interested, IM me at "a bad old man".
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[04 May 2009|05:56pm]
Does anyone play Chace Crawford?
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[04 May 2009|06:29pm]
i'm looking for a long-term slash psl, celeb or pb. the more in depth, the better.
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[04 May 2009|09:58pm]
Check the journal!
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[ viewing | May 4th, 2009 ]
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