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[05 Apr 2009|12:06pm]
I have Kitty Kat here in a Comm and I need some hella wicked person to play a really cool guy for her. We can work out the line details through aim first, we can go as dark, complicated as you want. Remember though its in a celeb comm so it might have to be a little private what goes on, and so on.
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[05 Apr 2009|03:20pm]
Someone play a man for her?
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[05 Apr 2009|03:41pm]
So all of a sudden I'm interested in a few male roles. Het only. Any takers? I'd also like to see a few of the fandom lines filled in my journal!
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Linzi Martin wanted [05 Apr 2009|05:01pm]
Linzi Martin @ [info]copycatt ? This is a married w/ a son sl, If you are interseted please contact me AIM= Billy is Lvl
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[05 Apr 2009|06:04pm]
Looking for two psls. Check the journal for specifics.
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[05 Apr 2009|07:07pm]
Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or someone along those lines for an SL?
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[05 Apr 2009|11:04pm]
This might sound like an odd request, but bare with me. I think it could be a lot of fun! I'm looking for a small group of girls and a comm that would house them. Their little group would be a cross between Death Proof and The Bad Girl's Club. They would just be hardcore and out to have fun. If anyone is interested or any place would be willing to house them, that would be wonderful!
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[ viewing | April 5th, 2009 ]
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