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[29 Mar 2009|06:29am]
To be honest; I'm just looking for basically anything for either my Megan For or Blake Lively. All I've been doing is slash for the last 3.5years + and I'm craving a het line so bad. Dark perhaps? Preferably you'd be playing a pb which I've listed in my journal but its all good; this can be talked and figured out. Basically any storyline accepted.... (perhaps haha). Fluff/smut/18+/dark/twisted/romantic completely welcome.

aim is supersktendo
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[29 Mar 2009|10:15am]
[info]crossmod more day class people.
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[29 Mar 2009|06:21pm]
would anyone like to play their edward against my bella → [info]paleswan? it'll have to be fairly canon, but its just that i've always played edward and i want a chance to play on the other side of the tracks! i've also added a few things to my sl's post :] check it.
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[ viewing | March 29th, 2009 ]
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