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[09 Mar 2009|10:04am]
[info]skintrade-Anita-verse Original Character supernatural game

Now that I've finally picked his face, I have a few lines that I would love filled. Anyone interested in:

[info]open Catherine Clarke Sebastian's younger sister. 17-19 years old, she's an open slate for anyone who would like to play her.

[info]open The 2nd in command Sebastian can't be the public face of the pard, and so this person is his close confidant and trusted second.

[info]open The Vampire benefactor The vampire with the ability to "call" leopards. These two can either get along well, or have a strained relationship, but they pay for the pard house on the upper west side.

[info]open The Nimir-ra in waiting Despite the fact that Sebastian has no interest in finding a mate anytime soon, this girl is determined to have the position.

[info]open The unhappy subjects those in his pard who would have rather he lost his bid for Nimir-raj

[info]open The happy subjects His friends/supporters in the pard.

[info]open The Humans His mortal friends who don't know about his inner kitten.
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Gale/Randy SL please! [09 Mar 2009|02:41pm]
I'm looking for a Gale Harold/Randy Harrison sl. I prefer to play Randy but don't mind playing Gale. More information about what I like is in the journal. Also, I'm getting desperate here - I can't seem to find someone who wants to have a long term line with me! I'm willing to provide examples (which are in this journal), but if you want some I expect to get examples back. IM me at Arnona Lotorie or leave a comment in my journal (not on this post) if you're interested!

I know there's someone out there who is interested in this line so please PLEASE contact me if this line seems interesting to you at all!
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[09 Mar 2009|10:24pm]
Anybody who likes to play historical should definitely try [info]turpinslaw! We're just starting but already have a great cast of characters.

I'm looking for the family of my character, Anne. They're mostly blank slates.
---Sir William Roderick, Esq.; Anne's father, a lawyer, very invested in the Turpin situation
---Lady Mary Roderick; Anne's mother.
---Daniel Roderick; Anne's eldest brother, 32, probably married
---Martin Roderick; Anne's older brother, 29, maybe married
---Edward Roderick; Anne's older brother, 25, maybe married

As well, I'd like a forbidden love interest for Anne, maybe one of Turpin's gang (there's one spot open, I believe) or another outlaw.

PMs, comments, or AIM (at shirabellissima) all work!
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[09 Mar 2009|11:10pm]
Welcome to Pine Creek, Missouri. Population: 8500. But that's not including the population of the hellmouth that lies below.

To an outsider, Pine Creek looks like your typical, small Midwest town but those who have grown up in Pine Creek and those with a special awareness know to be afraid of what lies below. You see, the small border town of Pine Creek, Missouri sits on top of a hellmouth. What exactly is a hellmouth, you might ask? A hellmouth is a location of increased supernatural activity. A hellmouth is an area in which the barriers between dimensions are weak. A hellmouth is the very portal between earth and Hell. For those who are aware; some choose simply to ignore the supernatural occurrences, some try to educate themselves and others so as to better be equipped to battle the evil, and some choose to get their hands dirty and slay the evil. Which will you be?

You could choose to be Watchers (these are the educators),  Slayers (those who do battle),  Evil Beings (demons, vampires, ect...) and even  those unaware. You might have a college kid, a school teacher, a mechanic. It's up to you and anyone one of these people might live their daily lives under the guise of normalcy while spending their evenings watching and battling evil.
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[09 Mar 2009|11:38pm]

I've started uni again and I'd like some help procrastinating. PSL anyone? Fandom preferred, but PB would also work.

All the need to knows are in my journal.

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