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[05 Mar 2009|03:55am]
Due to personal reasons, I had to put all my storylines on an unannounced hiatus and therefore lost all of my previous lines. Now that everything's okay via real life, I'm feeling good enough to come back to continue writing with others.

Please take a look at my journal and comment if you're interested.
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[05 Mar 2009|10:09am]

I’m seeking either a Tenth Doctor or Ten.5 for a PSL. It could be long term or short. So, if interested just comment below or PM.

Thank you.
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[05 Mar 2009|03:30pm]
would anyone be interested in a sl against sara? maybe to take it to a community?
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[05 Mar 2009|04:24pm]
Never Ever After is a quality storyline based on the television show Dollhouse created by Joss Whedon. We are looking for dedicated characters. Original characters are currently be accepted, especially actives and handlers! We can't get enough of those! Be sure to read the premise, rules, and faqs fully before applying.

Words so secure screaming like an alarm. Are you trying to wake me up? Now whats it you're tryin to pull? Is it my arm? I do believe you're trying to wake me up. But could it be, maybe? It's not me sleeping. It's not me sleeping. Could it be, maybe? You awakening. Sleep this time tonight. Sleepwalk in the light. Sleep this time tonight. Sleepwalk out of sight.

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PSL? [05 Mar 2009|11:55pm]
I wouldn't mind a couple more lines (I'm particularly keen on 001 or 003 in my journal, or I'd be glad to try one of yours).

Threading only.
Original characters only.
Slash or het (no femme, celeb or AU, please).
I don't over-plot; I prefer starting with a concept and seeing where the line goes.

Complete details in the journal!
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