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[03 Jan 2009|02:23am]
I'm looking for a home or PSL for a couple of my Scrubs muses - J.D. and Doctor Cox.

If you have or are part of a roleplaying site that is after one of the two, I'd love to join! If you're looking for a PSL, I'd be happy to oblige!

Grab me on AIM @ bestdamndoctor or just comment here!
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[03 Jan 2009|10:11am]
I'm looking for a TWILIGHT PSL through threading. I play Edward only and have lots of experience doing so. I've been in a few games as him and several PSLs and won an award in one of my games for Best Character Portrayal (Most In Character) I'm looking to do one of the following plots:

1) Edward Masen against Bella Cullen. As you can see, this is a reversal of the roles. I'd like to play human Edward moving to Forks against a vampire Bella who falls for him and is enticed by his scent. Basically its a play on the first Twilight book with reveresed roles and a lot of improvised plots!

2) Human Edward and Human Bella. Basically we'd use the characters, keep them in character but take away the vampires and make it AU where they're both human. Plots could be anything! Maybe they've been best friends since they were young and one falls for the other, maybe they meet when they go to university, maybe Edward is a doctor that treats Bella, maybe Edward saves Bella's life, maybe Edward is Alice, Bella's best friend's, older brother, maybe Bella is Emmett's younger sister and Edward is Emmett's best friend... This is open and there are TONS of possibilities.

Reply through a comment here or over AIM (arrayofcolours).
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[03 Jan 2009|03:32pm]
Calling players who actually like plot/ storylines other than the usual sibling/ lovers/ fuck buddies/ best friends in a game, particularly players who are interested in writing (non-real-world) politics in a "realistic" magic-involved (not Harry Potter or DnD; very very loosely Mage: the Ascension) situation.

Cut for neatness. )

This is for [info]redtape and directly involves the characters [info]solveetcoagula, [info]nadian, and to a lesser extent [info]crackedmirrors and [info]outofthedark. IM Mycaelis Kyrie on AIM or email me at
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[03 Jan 2009|09:11pm]
I'm looking for an sl for someone to play against Evelyn - pbed by Diane Lane. She's 40 (can be bumped up or down) and a kindergarten teacher. She's a romantic, very artistic and spiritual. She's sweet, gentle and motherly but knows exactly when to be sexy. I'm looking for someone to play her husband. I want him to be arrogant with a high paying job and because of that fact - he feels he has control over her. That's one of her quirks - Evelyn is very much a pushover. He doesn't exactly have to be violent or sexually abusive (although either one would be a bonus) but I just feel that this has the potential to be interesting. Any takers?
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[03 Jan 2009|11:43pm]
Posted a few lines in the journal. Check them out, if you will.
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