August 7th, 2016

[info]taleless in [info]storycircle

More Power Swap Stuff!


Follow up to this mod note.

And because we’ve posted a little more than anticipated, don’t forget about this adds’ introduction post! We just don’t want it to get buried. :)

You can find the original post detailing how the power swap plot will work here if you’re still looking for powers to trade please check the comments in that entry. :)

Because Samantha Cross will not have her powers, the weather is going to be incredibly off-kilter. For your convenience, here is a list of what the weather will be like during the days of our plot:
AUGUST 10 will be 115 degrees
AUGUST 11 it will be snowing, at -5 degrees (fahrenheit) in all areas EXCEPT for Mulberry, which will be 40 degrees.
AUGUST 12 Wind at 55 MPH
AUGUST 13 Heavy rain. Buckets and buckets and buckets ALL DAY. Thunder and Lightning. The electricity goes out everywhere except for Vintery.
AUGUST 14 A normal day. :)
AUGUST 15 Disgustingly humid.

[info]taleless in [info]storycircle


Welcome new players and current players picking up new characters! Here is this week's character introduction post. You can find the player intro post here! Please feel free to reply to that as well. ♥

For the basics of what you have to look forward to, you can look at our current plot calendar here!

In addition to doing this intro post, you might find it beneficial to make a master character post, so that you have a neat and tidy spot for all of the characters you play so that you can later link it for other players to reference (because lbr, that c/p grind gets REAL OLD). This can be in Gdocs, or in the communities, or on a character’s journal. Wherever, as long as it’s easily accessible! There’s an example here, and if you have any questions just let us know!

We will be making these group intro posts every time we get a new group of characters added! If you didn’t manage to comment on our last one, or if you want to reintroduce your character for more visibility, then go right ahead!