ooc comm. - February 8th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 8th, 2011

I AM BEING SO SUPER RP-PRODUCTIVE [Feb. 8th, 2011|01:19 pm]


OKAY Julie here, introducing my (hopefully) last character! She's been done for a while, but this is Thalia, the muse of comedy -- currently going by the pseudonym Izzy Álvarez, a Portuguese photographer. She flits around socialising with anyone who'll have her and usually takes pictures at social events, often succeeding at sneaking into places she's not supposed to be. People seem to not notice her slipping around. In all of her spare evenings, she holes up in comedy clubs & open mic nights. She's silly and giddy and exuberant and likes making people laugh, duh. She also LOVES mortal life, and has always happily, happily pretended to be one.

She's my deity who's most most most likely to know mortals -- in fact, she probably goes out of her way to befriend them. Full profile here! HAVE AT.

(also calling all musely sisters...)
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