ooc comm. - December 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 21st, 2010

LAST ONE I SWEARS [Dec. 21st, 2010|03:15 am]
blah blah, maddie, [info]magrathea blah last one x forever.

this is anteros, god of requited and returned love, punsher of those who scorn true loves advances. son of aphrodite and ares, was born to be a companion to eros. serial monogamist, follows through on everything, respects commitment. likes america, plays baseball, as 12 undergraduate degrees. can most often be found with his brother.

paris, helen, you're going to get a talking to about not embracing love. like, 10000 talking tos.
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[Dec. 21st, 2010|03:20 am]


SUP. I'm Mike. I know many of you. For those I don't, I'm really a nice guy. Don't mind the foul language and general dickishness. Add me at [info]flyspeck, if you want. :]

I'm playing Castor for now. This go-around he's called Charlie Andrews. He's [info]polluxian's twin, and [info]sails and [info]praiseworthy's brother. He graduated law school in the spring and is working at a pretty good firm, but he's still on the bottom rung. He's pretty insular and moody and is fairly distrustful of gods and reincarnates who don't share his surname. But he's not a bad guy, over all.

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[Dec. 21st, 2010|10:41 am]
Hi hello, it's Hezy again :D Penultimate intro, I promise.

Bringing you Gaia this time around, primordial deity, the literal Mother Earth etc. She was the first Prôtogenoi to come out of the void (hey Dad!) and created the Earth and gave birth to the sky etc. Titans, what up she's your grandmother~. After the whole Zeus over throwing Cronus thing she kind of faded into the background as far as Olympus went, she was always more of a power than a deity anyway, but as a result she was one of the first to choose to take human form, so she's been all up in the mortal world for a long time. Gaia is sweet and kind, she's embraced the whole mortal life span thing pretty well, and spends a lot of time outdoors as you might imagine. She's very motherly and loves children, which is why right now she's working as a nanny for a couple of professional~ mortals who don't really have time for their kids, so basically she's Mary Poppins :D.

I'm going to go back and tag entries for plots, BUT TAG ME HERE TOO OKAY :D ♥
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No, I didn't post this in IC comm first, why did you ask? >_> [Dec. 21st, 2010|06:39 pm]
Hi! I probably should have done this earlier, but circumstances (which is what I'm calling the insanity that is LHR at the moment) kept me from doing so. Anyways, as I think some of you guys may already know, I'm Cat. I like Nutella, Neil Gaiman, making Eddie Izzard references, and escaping Heathrow. I'm working on another character which I'll hopefully have finished soon, but I have this kid ready to go, so why don't I cut to the chase and introduce her?

Meet Jo Breen! She's a 21-year-old studying pysch at NYU, all the while running a blog on all the various protests and movements she's involved in. She's bright, passionate, argumentative, and has a dark past that involves her and her siblings being the product of an affair between her mother and her mother's stepson. Oh, did I mention that she's the reincarnation of Antigone? Well, now I did! You can read more about Jo right over here!

So, friends, enemies, followers of her blog? If you want to friend me here on IJ, my journal is [info]chelseamorning. Looking forward to playing with you all! :D
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Why hello. :) [Dec. 21st, 2010|10:08 pm]
Nat here, with my second round of introductions. For those of you who missed my first post, it is here, though it is flocked. >.>

First of all is this lady, Aphrodite. Going by Callidora Moray, regular humans think she's a socialite who they know very little about, other than she's fabulous at parties and has a lot of money. It's all primarily been gifts from lovers and admirers - Aphrodite doesn't work after all. She and Ares are still together, though she does have something of an impressive harem. ... though Adonis-reincarnate is her favourite. Pay too much attention to him at your own risk. She's still as flighty and vain as always, and it's not a good idea to get on her wrong side, because there goes your love life forever. :)

Also I have [info]praiseworthy, aka Kelly Edwards, aka Clytemnestra. She is, perhaps, the black sheep of the Andrews family, mostly because she is a bitch and a half. The queen bee of both her high school and now Columbia, she rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove. She comes across (most of the time) as sweet and generally perfect, but she's very much not so. Think Kathryn from Cruel Intentions without the kinky sexgames with her step-brother. No, instead she dates nice boys and secretly sleeps with bad boys. She is currently looking to replace both of the boys she strung along during high school, while she attends Columbia and tries to decide whether she'd rather be Hilary Clinton or... idk, insert a famous businesswoman here. She's pretty close with her family despite how bitchy she gets with them sometimes - she might be a bitch to them, but no one else is allowed. :| Despite claiming she doesn't give a toss about being a reincarnate and socialising as she pleases, the truth is she still holds grudges from her original life (she has a horse called Cassandra, after all), and likes to charm the more powerful members of the mythic community.
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