May 28th, 2010

[info]lisaroquin in [info]sticksnstrings

Sticks & Strings Round 3

signups: May 28--(July 15 would still give 2 weeks to write)
due date: July 31st. (some sort of I'm done, I'm not going to have a fic, omg so sorry spaced this. Anything. Something on July 31st)

Posting: August 1st. May post to your journal/whatever. Link back to master list that will go up. August 1st. Keeping this uber simple stress free.

Sign up. Get a song. Write. Pretty simple.

1. no insanejournal is necessary but an authorname and some way of contact is (preferably email--I'd really not like to go about hunting up and commenting on a dozen or more journals uhm hey fic?)

3. Minimum word count 1200 words (or 15 icons or 2 wallpapers? if you prefer to do graphics)

4. can request a different song due to lack of inspiration no more than twice and not after July 15

5. Any fandom--television, book, movie, RPS/RPF. Any rating. Original fic is just fine too. Anything welcome. Any genre. use the song you're given as inspiration, write.

sign up format:
author name:
contact: (email or *directlink* to journal)
fandom: if you have any clue (by no means set in stone just what you're most likely to write in, help a bit with preliminary song vetoing)
theme: (optional)

note: comments will be screened. contact info won't be publically veiwable and not used for anything but assignments and a reminder just before this comes up due.

image link=
Feel free to pimp, the more the merrier.