February 18th, 2009

[info]lisaroquin in [info]sticksnstrings

Synyster Gates, Duke of Cambridgeshire by gwionfawyr (A7X/HP/MCR

title: Synyster Gates, Duke of Cambridgeshire

author: [info]gwionfawyr (Jenn)

fandom: A7X/HP/MCR

characters: Brian Haner, Jr.

rating: PG - R

summary: He didn't know why his Dad had made him come. They were the outcasts of the family to begin with. He didn't know that all of that had changed on his eleventh birthday.

author's note/disclaimer: For the sticksnstrings challenge. Song prompt – Bones by Little Big Town. Belongs in the Of Dragons and Men verse. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent. *snorts* Who am I fooling? It's fiction people. Made up an address.

part one || part two || tbc

[info]lisaroquin in [info]sticksnstrings

To the Light She Be Shown by Jedi Buttercup (Tin Man)

Title: To Light She Be Shown

Author: jedibuttercup

Disclaimer: The words are mine; the world is not.

Rating: FR13

Fandom: Tin Man miniseries (2007)

Notes: For the sticks 'n' strings ficathon. My prompt was the song Tattooed by Damhnait Doyle.

Summary: Most of the people had stopped calling for Azkadellia's blood, much to Zero's amazement. Had none of them seen what he had? 2900 words, post-miniseries.

To Light She Be Shown )
