February 16th, 2009

[info]sparrow015 in [info]sticksnstrings

Fic: Can You See The Real Me?

Title: Can You See the Real Me?
Series: Second Chances
Author: Sparrow
Fandom: Magnificent Seven: ATF, The Who
Characters: JD Dunne, Keith Moon, Buck Wilmington
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I in no way, shape or form own Magnificent Seven: ATF or The Who.
Author Note: I found this prompt challenging as I never heard the song before, but of the group. It took me awhile for something to click in my brain, but once it did, the words flowed. I hope everyone enjoys the story. Many thanks to sierraphoenix for the beta!
Spoilers: Prequel to Second Time’s the Charm
Prompt: Another Bag of Bricks – Flogging Molly
Summary: While at work, late one night, JD Dunne falls asleep and dreams.

Does the dreamer, ever truly dream? Or is the dream a reality? )

[info]rhianona in [info]sticksnstrings

Fic: Bittersweet Love (G)

Title: Bittersweet Love
Author: Rhi
Song Prompt: Sail Away Sweet Sister, by Queen
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Teyla/Kanaan
Rating: G
Spoilers: Through season 5 of SGA
Summary: Kanaan has long known Teyla belongs to Atlantis. It doesn't mean he can stop loving her.
Disclaimer: [Insert witty comment here] SGA does not belong to me.

Hey little babe you're changing )

[info]lisaroquin in [info]sticksnstrings

Picking Them Off One At A Time by moonjean2009 (BtVS)

Title: Picking them off one at a Time.

Warnings: Major Character death, Dark, implied torture.

Rating: R

Summary: A different outcome on the Angelus fiasco.

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