Jun. 23rd, 2007


Carnival Ride. Boondock Saints. NC-17. 5/9

Title: Carnival Ride. 5/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The MacManus brothers decide it’s time they got drunk. Connor/Murphy, age fourteen.
Warnings: Twincest. Graphic descriptions of drinking way too fucking much. Underage everything.
Archive: In my LJ only

Beta by [info]lionflame and [info]juniper_nyne, who have saved my ass yet again.

“How much of it do we have to drink?” Murphy asked. )


Something of Da’s. Boondock Saints. PG. 4/9

Title: Something of Da’s. 4/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The twins learn something about their Da. Connor/Murphy, age thirteen.
Warnings: Shiteloads of blasphemy. Beta by [info]lionflame and [info]juniper_nyne!
Archive: In my LJ only

Bless me Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was one week ago. )


Hexed. Boondock Saints. PG. 3/9

Title: Hexed. 3/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Murphy itches. Connor scratches. Schoolboy Connor and Murphy, age twelve.
Warnings: Blasphemy. Boy grossness.
Archive: In my LJ only

Beta by [info]lionflame! Additional beta and dialogue coaching by [info]juniper_nyne!

“Murphy had the only sunburn in all of Ireland. At least, that was what it felt like, the way everyone was going on about it. )


Midnight Virgin. Boondock Saints. PG. 2/9

Title: Midnight Virgin. 2/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Murphy has a plan: A shite one. Schoolboy Connor and Murphy, age eleven.
Warnings: Blasphemy
Archive: In my LJ only

“It won’t fucken work,” Connor said. )


Loving Jesus. Boondock Saints. PG. 1/9

Title: Loving Jesus. 1/9 in the Already Crazy series.
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Author: [info]stewardess_lotr
Pairings: Connor/Murphy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: How much faith can a ten-year-old have? A 250 word flashfic.
Warnings: None
Archive: In my LJ only

“Ya think it’s true?” Murphy said. )