[info]angiepen wrote
on February 25th, 2008 at 03:54 am

What I think really punched this one up for me is the fact that John Ignored Rodney's Safeword. O_O I mean, you just don't do that. Like, ever. The fact that John did it anyway says to me that he thought this issue was important, that getting through to Rodney was worth jeopardizing their relationship. He's willing to lose Rodney, or at least to have Rodney be unwilling to ever go down for him again (which I would think would be a significant possibility -- BDSM is all about trust, and when a top has ignored your safeword once.... :/ ) in order to make this lesson stick and (in John's mind at least) have Rodney be safer when they're on missions.

The knife thing was hot and all, but that [points up] is really what made this work for me. And I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel where they work through that issue.

Good job.


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