STEP*STEP*JUMP - May 27th, 2009
Because we're stepping in it.

kuchibue posting in STEP * STEP * JUMP
User: [info]stepstepjump (posted by [info]kuchibue)
Date: 2009-05-27 21:26
Subject: Xolonaich
Security: Public
Tags:! tina, !!! personal ! sculpture: xolonaich

Um, I'm going to postpone Xolonaich a little. :\ I didn't get very far, a Xolotl skeleton and a few sketches. Sorry to disappoint... I just... I have no excuse other than at times I totally suck. I won't take long to get back into it...

Sorry that I won't have it ready in time for your arrival here, Rave.

Uh, for anyone interested here is the skeleton pic: link.

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