Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

Avengers+ Friends

[Bruce stands with the bloodwork results and lets Cap out of his containment cell]
So we got it all out. We just need to figure out if this thing was contagious or not. If it was in Steve there's a chance it could have gone inside of any of us if it was airborne.
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Monday, October 7th, 2019

Avengers* No Kids

[He's pretty sure his wrist is broken. The broken glass from his watch digs deeper into his skin every second and he's not sure if he's going to make it out of this one alive, but he's going to try. He sees Lorraine coming from the corner of his eye and feels the slightest bit of relief when her suit grabs her before she reaches them.]
I just wanted you all to know that Cap is right. I'm a bitch. [SOS. SOS!]
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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019


Okay, so... don't freak out, but we lost Bucky.
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Tuesday, October 1st, 2019


[She's been in the house helping her parents take care of the kids for the past two days. There are so many kids, so many beds to make, so many meals to prepare, so many dishes to wash, so many baths to set, and trying to share a single bathroom with 3 adults and 8 children is difficult. Still over the course of the two days Shania, Jenny, Mortie, Lesley, Allen, Lisa, Danny, and Brian have all tried their best to "pull their weight." They're eager and willing to help with chores and the teens are pretty happy to help with the younger ones. They don't have electricity today still but she's heard the thuds and explosions around town all day and she knows they've heard it too. She just tries her best to keep her little make-shift orphanage safe and happy until the streets are safe enough for them to find the places they belong. They're much easier to take care of than the Avengers were, but in their defense, they know they weren't kidnapped.

By day 2 they already formed a routine for mealtimes, bathtimes, and bedtime. She's up late picking up the toys that her mom fished out of the attic for the younger ones to play with. They're all asleep now, or at least they should be. They didn't have enough beds so they laid out all the blankets and pillows they owned on the floor of her old room and in Jake's old room, one for the boys and one for the girls. The wind beats against the plastic bags that they put up where the windows used to be; it's a wonder that the kids didn't get hurt from the blast or the fallen glass. When the place is straightened out again, she sits on the kitchen counter and checks her phone which has been on a low battery all day to see if Evan's written anything yet to find that he's stopped writing hours ago... that's not like him. She takes out her tablet and filters to the Avengers, then realizes that she hadn't thought of Tony at all today. She hopes he's okay too, but, it's different. She doesn't want him like that anymore... she just... doesn't. It feels like it did with Alfie, like a deep caring friendship, but she wouldn't ever kiss him or sleep with him again. Their moment passed and it was good that it happened because she got another best friend]

Hey guys, has anyone heard from Evan?
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Live TV

[Finishes planting bombs all over Stepford's subway system.]
Five minutes to detonation. Change my mind.

Ant-Man, out.
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Monday, September 30th, 2019

[The sky goes dark with clouds. Thunder crashes as Thor glides through the air, riding on lightening. He raises his mighty ax and plummets down, slamming the blade into the ground. The impact causes shockwaves of electricity to burst through the city, breaking glass and blacking out the town.]
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Saturday, September 28th, 2019

Avengers Spam

[Nothing makes any sense. One minute he'd been strapped down to a cold metal table and the next he was in a park. Except that can't be because it isn't possible. He's hallucinating. They've been drugging him again. Pain is rolling through him; there isn't a part of him that doesn't hurt. Beneath his dirty uniform there are layers upon layers of bruises and marks that haven't yet healed and right now he feels every one of them like they'd just been inflicted. He slumps down heavily onto a bench, closing his eyes.

None of this is real. None of it.]

Sergeant James Barnes. 32557038. Sergeant James Barnes. 32557038.
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Friday, August 16th, 2019


So just to be clear here, when a sexual predator comes to town, they're fair game. Agreed? Agreed. Good.
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Friday, August 9th, 2019

Sex trafficker and notorious serial baby killer Mark Wahlberg and his gang were detained by Queen Steph's army late last night. We are live right now at the public execution.

[Steph drags the man by his ankles through town and up to an alter.]
This is what happens when you cross me. This is what happens when you commit crime in Stepford. The streets will run red with blood until there is order and you will know that I am the law. [She throws his head down and raises an ax.] I am judge. I am jury. [She chops off his head. Blood sprays.] I am executioner.

[His associates are tied up all around on stakes. She clenches her fist and sets them on fire. They all start screaming.]

And you will obey.

[The camera cuts back to Sami]
Long live the Queen. This is Sami Bahar with the special report.
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Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

Tiny Avengers (Backdated)

Banner and Forman have deserted us and they've broken Stark, it's up to the us now. We may not be scientists or technologically inclined but we have something the rest of those so-called geniuses don't and that's determination. It's resilience. It's heart.

Rogers, I underestimated you when we first met. You may be very very tiny, frail, and impossibly weak but you have the heart of a warrior. It's an honor to fight at your side. "Valkyrie", you may be a treasonous liar but it's an honor to fight by your side as well. And yours, Clint and Natalia. Let us burn this wretched evil tower to ash.
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2019


I overrode Tony. I control the suits now.
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Saturday, August 3rd, 2019

[She wakes up at her desk at 11pm. She must have passed out after work. Did she eat today? She rubs her face then remembers Tony. They had plans. She gets up and her legs are numb from sleeping sitting down at her desk for hours. She goes to the bathroom to wash her face. She's exhausted, but she's pretty sure she needs a burger and some shots more than she needs sleep right now because she hasn't had a real meal or a break from the stress in well over 24 hours. When she goes down to the lab she sees the whole place in disarray.] Oh no. [She mumbles, letting herself in and looking around. Rhodes' suit is there and it's dented. What the hell was strong enough to dent this suit? Where's Tony? She fumbles with her tablet, typing the filter anxiously.]
[Avengers + Friends]
[No AU Avengers]
Has anyone seen Tony? Or Colonel Rhodes?
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Friday, August 2nd, 2019

Bucky Spam

[She looks around the abandoned facility. The coffee pot on the counter is still hot. How could they have all left so quickly?]
This is one of the most efficient human trafficking operations I've ever seen.

Avengers; ETA
We raided the facility and it was empty. I think we're going to need all hands on deck, Cap.
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Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

[She sighs, this definitely isn't Darfur.]
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Saturday, July 27th, 2019

Wow, look at all that weird snow outside!
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Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Avengers + Friends

[Minus Junior Avengers]
Did anyone seem to notice the volcano that popped up in the middle of town?

[Bruce comes over to Cap's place and comes to Evan's room, knocking on his door]
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Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

Accidental Video

[There's a comforting familiarity in this feeling of loneliness. Emptiness. Hopelessness. For a few weeks he'd nearly forgotten his roots. Kylo reminded him that night in the cabin just how isolated he truly is. He's surrounded by heroes and people who check in on him regularly because they say they care and want him to do great things someday with his abilities -- and he'd deluded himself into believing them. He wanted to be liked -- loved, so badly that he allowed himself to pretend he didn't see that what they really wanted was to control a dangerous weapon. This containment unit is no different than the shed his grandparents kept him in. They wanted him to learn how to control it for their use too. Only instead of shouting at him, withholding food, or hitting him; Cap makes him exercise instead. His method is obviously better because it's working, but it doesn't mean he cares. He knows Lorraine and Tony don't.

So what now? He does what he's told. It's this or end up like Kylo or Thanos or some other dangerous thing that doesn't do what they say. He pulls on his black hoodie and sits on his bed, lighting a fire in his hand and putting it out rhythmically. It burns each time. He doesn't care. At least he's feeling something.]
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2019

Force Fight!

[Massive fight in comments]
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Thursday, June 20th, 2019

Cordy + Avengers; Redirected OTA

Help. Someone, please help. Tony's not moving. They took Evan.
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Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

Avengers + Friends

[Includes Padmé and the people who fought with them before too]
We have a problem. Padmé's husband is back from the dead and he's coming to collect her and his children. He's an incredibly strong Jedi with telekinetic powers and a magical sword called a lightsaber. He's likely armed and ready to fight. I'm going to need all hands on deck to protect civilians when we find this guy.
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