Sunday, October 20th, 2019


I spoke to Evan. You wanted to join together on this?

I was talking to Fury today, what do you guys think about helping out at the school?
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Thursday, October 17th, 2019

Cap Spam

[Knocks on cabin door.]
Cap? You haven't answered my texts.
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Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Open Spam -- Open to Multiples

[He's a free man, thanks to Steve's friend Amanda. All the tests she'd run on his brain had come back normal, except for the amygdala, which had shown an unusual amount of activity. Apparently that was normal considering how he'd spent the past few weeks. At any rate, there was no indication of brainwashing or triggers or whatever else she'd been looking for with all the scans.

He was relieved, obviously. He still had no real idea what the other Bucky had been through or done, but the fact that Steve wouldn't talk about it told him enough.

Frankly he was still trying to wrap his mind around the idea of some future version of himself running around. He'd read all the science fiction books he'd been able to get his hands on over the years, so he understood the basic concept, but it's still a lot to absorb.

He gets his first real look at Stepford as he leaves the school. The last time he'd been free, he'd had a high fever and been running terrified. He remembers seeing a lot of destruction all around, and he knows from what Metronome had told him that a terrorist had killed thousands. He shudders at the thought, remembering all too vividly that kind of death and horror that he's spent the last couple of years witnessing in the war.

And the place looks like a warzone. He feels a little dazed as he walks through the crowds with a simple duffel bag over his shoulder containing a change of clothes and some toiletries.

Truth be told he has no idea where he's even going.]
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Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

Spury then spucky then spoz

[He comes to speak to Fury about integrating the kid's new program with his old program and discussing Bucky's conditions.]

[He comes to visit Bucky to talk about where he is in his timeline and debrief him on everything that's going on here.]

[Later later]
[He shows up at the apartment with a new couch, looking for Oz to apologize]
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Avengers+ Friends

[Bruce stands with the bloodwork results and lets Cap out of his containment cell]
So we got it all out. We just need to figure out if this thing was contagious or not. If it was in Steve there's a chance it could have gone inside of any of us if it was airborne.
(65 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Avengers* No Kids

[He's pretty sure his wrist is broken. The broken glass from his watch digs deeper into his skin every second and he's not sure if he's going to make it out of this one alive, but he's going to try. He sees Lorraine coming from the corner of his eye and feels the slightest bit of relief when her suit grabs her before she reaches them.]
I just wanted you all to know that Cap is right. I'm a bitch. [SOS. SOS!]
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Sunday, October 6th, 2019

Apartment Spam

[He's finished with his rescue efforts. Status reports from the different teams showed that they went through all the fallen buildings in town. There are some people still missing, but they've taken all of the wounded to the hospital and all of the dead to the cemetery. He feels guilty for the interaction he had with Skye, she wasn't to blame for this. She's just a weak defenseless local. He walks up the flights of stairs with flowers for her to apologize for his behavior. Next stop, he'll visit Padme. He uses his keycard to get in and hands the flowers to Skye.]
Hey, what's happened wasn't your fault. I'm not trying to take it out on anyone.
(14 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, October 5th, 2019

Open Spam; Multiples welcome

[He's joining in the relief efforts today, partly because he feels like it, partly because he wants to spot that Oz character and humble him. He saves lives with relative ease and throws the rubble into a pile. He punches a hole into a concrete wall just to feel powerful then carries on.

The structure of the homeless shelter begins to falter as they move people out through the window so he uses his back as a jack to hold it up while the rest of the civilians escape]
(19 comments | Leave a comment)

[Steve's watching Micah struggle as they train their last lap of the 3 mile jog and he feels a weird twinge of guilt and anger. He filters to Nick Fury]
Come get the kids. Running laps won't turn them into the heroes they need to be. Evan needs to be able to think tactically in the moment, Micah too. I've done all I can.
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

So am I the only one who thinks it's weird that Captain America's having a funeral for terrorists that totalled the entire town?
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Friday, October 4th, 2019


[Natasha, Bucky, Clint, Evan, Micah, Wanda]
Status update on the new Bucky and Mickey's friends.

I'm leaving the Avengers.

[Friends; Backdated]
[Natasha, Bucky, Clint, Winnie, Skye, Padme, Fury]
I'm having a service for Peggy and Sam... I know it's not them, not really, but I can't let their bodies just rot. You're welcome to come.
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Hey, we haven't spoken since -- you know. Everything happened. Are you okay?
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Thursday, October 3rd, 2019


Can I sleep at your place tonight?
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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019


Okay, so... don't freak out, but we lost Bucky.
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Tuesday, October 1st, 2019


Guys, you're gonna wanna see this. [On the tablets he sends out synced videos of Peggy being catatonic, Sam falling asleep exactly when the attacks occur, the live attacks with timestamps, and Sam waking up when the attacks are over.]

I thought it was a coincidence with Bucky's bombings, but it happened twice last night, the two times match up from when Cap said that the alternate Natasha came and when Carter came. Carter went catatonic the moment Sam woke up. Also we just got the lab results back. Agent Carter doesn't have any human DNA either, but it doesn't stop there. It looks like she and Sam have the same exact DNA. To me, it looks like some sort of extraterrestrial being that behaves like some... humanoid shape-shifting fungus. I'm not sure how it's able to imitate our abilities or how it's able to know what we know. I especially don't understand how it got a hold of Thor's ax or Sam's suit or any of these things.

Its motive is still unclear, but I think we can be sure the genocide won't be over until we figure out how to kill this thing.
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Avengers+;Backdated last night

[Science team, JA, Avengers, Government ppl]
I had two visitors tonight. A version of Agent Romanoff and a version of Agent Carter... Peggy. They came to my home and tried to recruit me, so I don't think their world has a version of me.

I still can't make out what the motive is, but Peggy said that it isn't HYDRA that's behind this. She may have been lying, but... [He sighs, her words resonating in his head "It's all for you"] if it actually isn't, we're back at square one.

How's Bucky doing?

I think you and Mickey should move out until we figure this out.
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Monday, September 30th, 2019

Steve's Cabin Spam

[Knock knock.]
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Saturday, September 28th, 2019

Avengers Spam

[Nothing makes any sense. One minute he'd been strapped down to a cold metal table and the next he was in a park. Except that can't be because it isn't possible. He's hallucinating. They've been drugging him again. Pain is rolling through him; there isn't a part of him that doesn't hurt. Beneath his dirty uniform there are layers upon layers of bruises and marks that haven't yet healed and right now he feels every one of them like they'd just been inflicted. He slumps down heavily onto a bench, closing his eyes.

None of this is real. None of it.]

Sergeant James Barnes. 32557038. Sergeant James Barnes. 32557038.
(13 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, September 29th, 2019

Live TV (Narrative)

[Across town. Several explosions go off. His face is shown briefly on camera and then he vanishes.]
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Saturday, September 28th, 2019

Live TV

[The falcon swoops down and lands on top of a building. He takes out an automatic rifle and opens fire on the crowd.]
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