Sunday, October 6th, 2019


[He's been trying to get Winnie to take it easy because she was nearly killed the other day, but she thinks you can slap an ice pack on a billion bruises and turn out okay. He invited her to stay over and just relax last night, he's been not-so-subtly trying to do everything to keep her lying down. In the bedroom he emerges with a soup he concocted. Ash Reshteh, a recipe his great grandmother passed down. He puts her bowl on the bed tray and sits by her legs] How're you feeling?
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Friday, September 27th, 2019

[For Stepford's Viewing Pleasure.]
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Sunday, September 15th, 2019

The Morning After

[She wakes up immediately shocked and confused. This isn't her bed. Where the hell is she? Panic room? She jerks up and tumbles off the bed before she gets her wits about her again.]
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Sunday, August 11th, 2019

Captain America; OTA

Word going around is you and I are having an issue. You got something on your mind, Son?
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Friday, August 9th, 2019

Sex trafficker and notorious serial baby killer Mark Wahlberg and his gang were detained by Queen Steph's army late last night. We are live right now at the public execution.

[Steph drags the man by his ankles through town and up to an alter.]
This is what happens when you cross me. This is what happens when you commit crime in Stepford. The streets will run red with blood until there is order and you will know that I am the law. [She throws his head down and raises an ax.] I am judge. I am jury. [She chops off his head. Blood sprays.] I am executioner.

[His associates are tied up all around on stakes. She clenches her fist and sets them on fire. They all start screaming.]

And you will obey.

[The camera cuts back to Sami]
Long live the Queen. This is Sami Bahar with the special report.
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Saturday, July 20th, 2019

Yo, where's all my money though?
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Wednesday, July 17th, 2019


[No family, nobody who kissed my dad, age 17-27]
I'm Johnny, I'm new here. Figured I'd do an introduction.
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Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

All right, I'm done. I'm going out.
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