Friday, August 9th, 2019

Sex trafficker and notorious serial baby killer Mark Wahlberg and his gang were detained by Queen Steph's army late last night. We are live right now at the public execution.

[Steph drags the man by his ankles through town and up to an alter.]
This is what happens when you cross me. This is what happens when you commit crime in Stepford. The streets will run red with blood until there is order and you will know that I am the law. [She throws his head down and raises an ax.] I am judge. I am jury. [She chops off his head. Blood sprays.] I am executioner.

[His associates are tied up all around on stakes. She clenches her fist and sets them on fire. They all start screaming.]

And you will obey.

[The camera cuts back to Sami]
Long live the Queen. This is Sami Bahar with the special report.
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Saturday, July 27th, 2019

Wow, look at all that weird snow outside!
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Friday, May 31st, 2019


I know a way to stop him. [She hates betraying him like this, but she has to put an end to his wicked rule.]
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Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

Heroes and Vigilantes

[People with powers or skills that they use to save people or fight bad guys. Humans who can fight well are included if they are heroic. Evan can also see this]
Good afternoon diligent heroes of Stepford. I'm Captain Steve Rogers, or Captain America. I just showed up here recently, but I've noticed there are quite a few of us tackling a variety of issues in this town. I know some of you guys are used to working alone or are comfortable in your small teams, but I find that a united front is always the best option. If you're interested in joining forces, drop me a line here.

Thank you.
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Saturday, May 4th, 2019

Easter Egg Spam

[60 easter eggs are scattered around the city in the most difficult-to-get-to spots. One's on a bridge, one's in a lion's den on Mako Island, one's in Eichenhouse and so forth... she's enlisted the help of all of her friends, and friend's friends so she has strippers, thieves, druggies, librarians, post-apocalyptic displaced girls group, jocks, cheerleaders, daredevils, vampires, prostitutes, gangsters, werewolves, homeless, patrol team, and middle-aged churchgoers all working together to hide the eggs for the competition. Once hidden, her mother stands on the gazebo with a microphone and a crowd of the people who helped hide the eggs and the people involved in the hunt to announce the start. All of the vigilantes in the town are allowed to participate, the winner is deemed the best hero and is awarded a giant stuffed rabbit, a voucher for the 5 top underground restaurants in Stepford, (and an optional kiss from the host)]
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Friday, April 19th, 2019

Breaking News

It appears Dungeon Bae's at it again. Early yesterday afternoon, Stiles "Dungeon Bae" Stilinski was spotted executing local Weredemon Christine, who was engaged to his eldest son Jimmothy James Carson Stilinski. Apparently the two were set to be wed this Easter Sunday against the Stepford Serial Killer's wishes because of the growing anti-local sentiment. Weredemon Christine then shot and killed Stilinski's three-year-old daughter Mila with a bazooka she fired through the toddler's bedroom window where she was playing at the time. No formal charges have been brought up against the mass killing sexual sadist, due in part to Mayor Thomas's new Free of All law which legally allows the Displaced to kill Stepford natives indiscriminately.

In other news there appears to be unrest in the Carson home as three of the members of this historically traditional household begin divorce proceedings. Sisters Laurel Abernathy and Marie Carson first after their husbands Jake Abernathy and Tarik Shah respectively, found love through their highly public extra-marital affairs. Jake Abernathy moving on to Laurel's own brother Nate Carson and Tarik with local circus performer Finn. James Carson follows his daughters' lead, leaving his wife Amelia for his secretary Neha Patel-Twombly after a two month whirlwind affair that left all of Stepford breathless. [Pictures of Neha and Stuart kissing in their underground bunker.] This only months after Carson was reunited with his long-lost illegitimate half-local son Sid Parrish, which sources say is the catalyst in what drove James into the arms of another woman, after his wife Amelia began incessantly nagging her husband for his affairs.

Mayor Thomas is joining Club Heartbreak as his second girlfriend Faith celebrates her secret engagement to Jason Todd with a night of local hunting. [Picture of Faith staking a vampire. Kitty can be seen in the shot.] There's no comment yet from the mayor about this betrayal but sources say he is recruiting Dungeon Bae in a potentially depraved revenge plot against the town; only time will tell its magnitude.

A special warning to the displaced to be on high alert as extremely dangerous super villain Button, a shapeshifting cold-blooded killer, has escaped the woods and made it past the mayor's grand wall and is now in Stepford thirsty for blood. No information about his whereabouts are available now but it's believed that the were-killer is on a mission to slaughter his last living son Arnie and everyone else in his path.

Be on high alert or you can be next.

This has been Sami Bahar with the Special Report
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Friday, April 5th, 2019


You and your group okay? Anyone giving you trouble?


You busy?
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Okay it's Icebreaker time. Post your answers below and let's get talking.
1. Name (or nickname)
2. Age
3. Favorite thing to do

I'll go first. I'm Kitty, 22 years old, and I love to party.
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Saturday, March 30th, 2019

Vigilante scene

Fuzzy cuffs are a cute touch.
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Monday, March 18th, 2019

Patrol team

Whoever's not patrolling tonight should come to [Bar] tonight. Team building and alcohol are always good combinations.

[Insert spams below]
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Saturday, March 16th, 2019

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Sunday, March 10th, 2019

Text to Jason

You busy?
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Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Faith; Accidentally Redirected OTA

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Friday, January 4th, 2019

[Chet assaulted a woman outside of a bar last week. This morning he's found tied to a chair, dried blood all over his face and body. He's been dead since that night, compliments of Red Hood.]
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Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

Spam for Pyotr

[To say that he's been slacking off on drug related crimes is an understatement, but tonight watching a kid die of an overdose is enough to get him going again. He traces it all the way back to the source. Time for a visit from Stepford's best hero, Red Hood.]
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Sunday, December 30th, 2018

New Years Party Post

[All of Stepford was invited to this incredibly fancy party that was designed by Stepford's most ~elegant~ women. Ianhalder walks down the stairs, escorting his beautiful co-host/fiancée. Spams go below]
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Saturday, December 29th, 2018


New evil in town. Goes by the name Lindsey McDonald.
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Wednesday, December 26th, 2018


Gotta Christmas present for you.
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Thursday, December 20th, 2018


Are you still salty or can we have a conversation?
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Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Video (No evil)

[Jason is wearing a full face of bad makeup, wearing a tiara, and an ill fitting costume princess dress.]
Hello Stepford, a few days ago I bet Lizzie that she couldn't run 3 miles without any breaks. As you may well have assumed, I lost that bet. Now I'd like to invite you to Lizzie's royal tea party at the Esmeralda hotel this Sunday at noon. Bring your friends, family, and your best royal gowns. We look forward to seeing you all there.
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