Tuesday, October 15th, 2019


[Sends selfie with a caption "Don't be mad about yesterday"]

Thanks for dinner last night, I know it's probably normal for you, having these sorts of big dinners with so many people living in your Hyperion but it meant a lot to each of us. That's the closest thing we've had to a family dinner in... I don't know how long for everyone else, but maybe ever for me.

Hey buddy. How are you feeling?
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All these years I spent thinking up what I'd say if I got a tablet and now I got one and don't know what to say...
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Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Ma + Pops

[Recently it's felt weird calling Tony "Tony" or Cordy "Cordy." It just feels wrong. They feed her, clothe her, make sure she's okay when she's upset, they met her boyfriend... it just seems rude to call them by their first names. So she's jokingly making a nickname for them]
I have good news.
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Thursday, June 27th, 2019


[She's hanging out in a jail cell, she hasn't slipped out yet. Apparently sticking a knifepoint robber into the side of a building is bad because they have to demolish the wall to carve them out and take them to prison. She has a few charges of property damage. She sketches the costume designs on the walls with a pencil aimlessly as she tries to avoid thinking about last week.]
Did you go to visit Iron Man yet?

[Teen Vigilantes + Micah]
So you guys are all staying in the towers now?

Do you think my boyfriend's going to come? [She says, but this isn't a real question, she just wants Cordy to ask about it so she can elaborate on how much she misses him. And also she wants to make sure Cordy even wants to hear about it. She has a lot of feelings, okay?]
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Saturday, June 8th, 2019


[She makes herself some strawberry poptarts for dinner and drinks some soda from the fridge. After dinner, she's wired for some reason, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. She springs out of bed and walks through the wall down the hall to the room Cordy's in. She knocks.]
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Iron Man + Cordy (at midnight)

[She's happy in her little gang of misfits, they're stealing and partying and living on the edge, but then she notices that a few people go missing. The people who didn't make what they were supposed to in the day. She walks over to the leader after dinner and sits next to him, asking about what happens. He gives a few non-answers and she pretends to be reassured because she's starting to get really creeped out. That night when everyone falls asleep, she notices he walks out of the warehouse when everyone's asleep. He gets into an unmarked moving van. She sneaks on, turning invisible, there are cages all around with people in them. They're wearing bags over their heads with numbers. She slips through the bars and puts a bag on her head, reappearing so she won't be noticed if her invisibility wears off.

They're carried off to the other side of town and loaded into a sweatshop. She slips through the wall as they're unloaded into a room and presses her ear up to it so that she can hear what's said. If they leave, they'll be shot. If they tell anyone, they'll be shot. If they're unproductive, they'll be shot. This is their life now. Her heartbeat is pounding so loud she's sure they'll hear her, the ball in her throat grows and she feels like she's suffocating. She can't believe this is happening to them. The leader boards the now-empty truck and they pull away. She slips back into the room and starts trying to get the people to leave with her, but they don't move. They point at the cameras.]
We have to go, just come with me. [She pleads, trying to urge them out with her, but nobody wants to die, so they don't move from their newly assigned workstations. One of the guards comes up to her and tells her to get to work or get to dead. She refuses, he pulls out his gun and her skin hardens as she glares at him, still refusing. He pulls the trigger and it ricochets off of her and lands square in his nose. He falls to the floor, dead. More guards start to run down the stairs to fight, but she runs to close the door. She didn't kill anyone. He's not dead. He's not really dead. She pulls out her tablet with shakey hands and calls to Iron Man and Cordy]
Come- [Once she starts talking, the suffocating feeling pours out as tears] come help. Something really bad is happening. [Enables location services]. I think-- I think maybe-- I think he's dead.
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Friday, June 7th, 2019


[People who've been cheated on/ are currently being cheated on]
So... what's up?
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Tuesday, June 4th, 2019


So. Tell me about Harmony.

[She knows enough about Tony, and enough about teenagers in general, to know when there's more than meets the eye. And there's a hell of a lot more to this story than the other girl is telling her.]
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2019


Thanks for letting me stay last night.

[Narrative or Spam]
[After taking some coffee from the lobby, she heads out to get some things. Clothes, food, hygienic products, makeup, and some pocket cash. She's not going into a bank today, she's just grabbing some cash from the automated ATM teller machines. She also gets herself a bookbag to hold all of her belongings in case she can't stay at Cordy's for whatever reason. She scans the sky for Iron Man and chuckles to herself when she doesn't see him.] "You and me are gonna have problems." [She says, mocking his tone poorly]
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Friday, May 10th, 2019


[The list of attractive women was officially published under George's name today in every paper, news report, and is posted on every streetcorner]
Read more... )
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Saturday, April 6th, 2019

Accidental Video Post

[She's bringing a box of things from the Hyperion to Emma's new house where she's trying to get them to move into, but she's alone. Suddenly, the box is knocked out of her hands and three locals rob her at gunpoint. She yells out for her group]
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Saturday, March 30th, 2019

Shit on my face and call me Sally. [He mutters. He definitely ate too many mushrooms.]
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Sunday, March 17th, 2019


Hey, I was just wondering if I could borrow a little bit of cash? Viktor and I aren't talking right now and I could use some help to get back on my feet.

Can I borrow some cash?

Hey, how's your drug business going?

Can I please borrow some money? I'm in a bad situation I can't talk about and I need to raise at least 10k to get out of it.

[Mask/voice modulator]
Amanda is coming for you. She's going to tie you up and dissect your brain, reprogram you in her lab. Everything you know is fake.

Can I pretty please borrow a couple of thousand from you?

[Tripp & Elise]
Can I borrow a couple of thousand dollars? Vik and I aren't talking right now and I need a little to get back on my feet.

[Robs 3 banks]
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Friday, March 15th, 2019

Cordy & Bobbin

So, there's this girl named Naz and I think she's in a bad situation, like dangerous bad. What are the chances we could get him sent to prison without any evidence?
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Saturday, March 9th, 2019

Group Apartment spam

[Knock knock tbh.]
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Sunday, March 10th, 2019

[She waits a beat, waiting to see if he comes after her. He doesn't. She goes back to her old room and packs a bag. She can't stay here anymore. She washes her face and reapplies her makeup before heading out to find a new place to stay.]
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2019

Partay At The Hyperion

[And everyone's invited. Even if you want them to be compelled to go tbh.]
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Tuesday, February 26th, 2019


[Have a note under your door inviting you to dinner.]
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

[Apricot holds up the diamond ring her mother gave her. It looks expensive af because it is.]
How much special paper is someone willing to give me for this? [She tried to buy things with regular paper but the cops were called and she ran.]
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Sunday, February 17th, 2019


[It's been about two weeks since she saw or heard from anybody. She breaks out of the basement that her boyfriend locked her in and makes a run for it down the street. He doesn't love her, he never did. Tears stream down her face as she leaves. She knows better than to go to the fuzz, Viktor's best friend works there and he'd tip him off that she left before they could even get a statement. She's starting a new life away from him. She goes straight into the Hyperion where Naz stays next door from her apocalyptic commune, but she doesn't go there, she goes to Cordelia. The owner of the hotel. Mascara and eyeliner smudge down her face from where she was crying, creating long black streaks through her two week old foundation which looks very pale against her complexion from the wear and tear. With a shaky hand, she reapplies her red lipstick so that she'll look presentable, but she hasn't looked in a mirror in almost a month so her end product looks more like a very convincing spooky mime halloween costume. She knocks frantically at her office door.]
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