Monday, October 28th, 2019

Parents wanted

17 year old girl recently released from juvie (rehabilitated) loves scrabble and pizza seeks loving parents. Great at chores, cooking, and baking. Very handy, great at communicating, will love you forever.
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Saturday, October 26th, 2019


[Every man who has a high net worth, high status, or who was ever on the list of eligible bachelors is on here. ]
Stark. I have a bone to pick with you.

Sam- Alfie, Cillian, Danny, Tripp, Eddy, Gregorny, Jack, Jake, Red Hood, Jordan, Kai, Ricky, Prescott, Royce, Scott Lang, Sid, Stan, Thor, Tony, Boy!Pepper,
Rissy- Ben, Brian, Bruce, Charlie, Connor, Dime, Diego, Eli, Finn, George, Happy, Rhodey, Dr. Stalvern, Johnny, Kevin, Mason, Nate, Percival, Cap, Tariq, Ward
Angie- Bucky, Bucky, Clint, Negan, Oliver, DungeonBae, Thomas
If I forgot someone just put them, or if you want someone else to see, just do what you want tbh]
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Friday, July 19th, 2019

Is there no justice in this town? Captain America came into my house and forced me to sign legal documents. He inflicted injuries so bad, I had to be hospitalized. Then I was visited by Iron Man, flown out of my hospital bed, and dangled from a 80 story building. Where is the justice? Why is nobody holding these super powered bullies accountable?
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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019

Fail Filter to Mason; Redirected OTA

[Graphic sexts]
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Friday, May 3rd, 2019

Friends (Anyone who's friends with Thomas OR Stiles can see this tbh)

Who's here?
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Monday, April 29th, 2019


I hate to be the one to say it, but we need to put the search for Kitty on hold. Our bills are due tomorrow night so if we're doing a rent party we have to do it now.

[Party Spams Below]
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Tuesday, April 16th, 2019

Three weeks. It took me three weeks to find my way into this fucking town and now someone's going to pay for my wasted time. Everyone is going to pay for my wasted time, just like the poor displaced person I had to take this tablet from.
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Friday, April 5th, 2019


Okay it's Icebreaker time. Post your answers below and let's get talking.
1. Name (or nickname)
2. Age
3. Favorite thing to do

I'll go first. I'm Kitty, 22 years old, and I love to party.
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Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Esmeralda's Friends (includes James and Connor)

Most of you are bitches but we all love my wife so let's plan her a surprise party.

[Sends 400 roses to the house.]
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Thursday, March 28th, 2019

I'd like to build either a shelter or some kind of housing for the people native to Stepford. A lot of them are impoverished and living on the streets. Would anyone, or several people, be interested in assisting with this kind of project?
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Monday, March 18th, 2019

[Ashley shows up in her swimsuit on the beach. She picks up the tablet]
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Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Wall Security Roll Call (No Children under 16)

All right, so construction on the wall started this morning. It's time to start assembling teams to keep watch, and also to retrieve anyone who shows up in the woods and might need help. Under 18's without super powers of some kind need not apply.
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[Tries to sends nudes to James Carson and accidentally sends to every 18+ male in Stepford.]
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Friday, February 15th, 2019

Break Room

[He enters the break room to tell James that his clients are ready for their meeting and sees a giant spider on the ceiling. He shrieks before he can help himself and then quickly plays it off.]
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Friday, December 14th, 2018


Do you ever want to just leave Stepford?
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Thursday, September 13th, 2018

Spam for Kiki

[Connor walks in from work and sees his beautiful wife skipping over to greet him. It's too perfect, he's been caught up in this daydream for too long. This isn't real]
Privet, Kiki. [It means hi in Russian, but I don't have a cryllic keyboard and don't feel like coding, so sue me.]
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Thursday, August 9th, 2018


Being broken up is more lonely than I thought so I'm going to need you to come over and cheat on your wife with me. Let's make it a thing until I meet someone I want to marry.
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Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

Accidental Video Post

[Connor is mid-conversation with Eddy and James explaining how he handles road rage]
No, I don't let myself yell at them or flip them off. That just leads to stress and I don't think I should expose the kids to that when they're in the car with me and Kiki. Instead, I just take a scenic route and follow them home to find out where they live. Then at that point, you can find out all their information like names, social security number, birthday, credit cards, etcetera. But the thing I like to do is just kill their neighbor. [He explains casually] Then when they move to a place they feel is safer, I do it again. I leave them a series of notes in their house with numbers on them before each time, like a countdown.

That's just for one guy, another guy I send him videos of his dad, just like hours long and he doesn't know who I am, how, or why someone is following his dad. He's just petrified something will happen. Keeping him suspended in the state of fear constantly wondering if his loved ones are safe, you know?
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Wednesday, July 4th, 2018


James decided to spend time with his slut today and Mackenzie's out with Minho. Feel like cheating on your wife? I'll even make you dinner and we can watch the fireworks together after.
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Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Accidental Video; Redirected OTA aside from the girls he mentioned

[He's scrolling through his phone, showing off provocative pictures of his various women to Eddy]
Eddy, I swear to God, my [censored] is so tired right now. I think I pulled a [censored] muscle from all of this [censored] I've been [censored].

Let me tell you. I get home last night from [censored] Olive and the wife is there like, "Ohh, James, please [censored] me, I need your [censored]." And so, naturally, I oblige. So then, I'm still up and ready, my wife and I are heading to bed and then she can't sleep, so again, I do the right thing, I oblige.

Guess who texts me. Hazel. She's like "Hey, we need to talk, I can't do this anymore." And so I tell her to meet me so we can talk in person and in a matter of seconds, she's on my [censored]. I oblige, of course.

Finally, leaving, I'm starting to feel tired, but who else do I pass other than Lola. She's happy from her hunt and she starts licking at my hand as I walk so I tell her to change into a human and then I oblige her with my [censored]. By this time, I'm fucking dying, man. Tired, hungry, wanting to fucking put an ice pack on the old love stick, so I go to Olive's place to shower before coming home and she jumps into the shower with me and I oblige, of course. You know, a girl's got needs.

Finally, I'm home, getting back in bed with the misses and about 15 minutes after I fall asleep, she taps my shoulder. She's telling me about how she can't sleep and so I give her some [censored] to help her fall asleep. I think I'm getting calloused, I'm so serious.
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