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Stan + Family [28 Oct 2019|08:02pm]


[29 Oct 2019|09:39am]

So this is how the other half lives. [He says, on his tablet in his mansion with a high class prostitute sleeping on his chest. She's mostly out of frame unless you're looking]

[28 Oct 2019|03:08pm]

Self Love Sunday is embracing my mom-bod. Photo cred to my absolute favorite Mouse :P

Story time: Before I got pregnant with Mikey I used to struggle with an eating disorder. When I started gaining weight I really thought I'd never feel beautiful again, and losing the weight has been a new kind of challenge. I've had my ups and downs, but I'm proud to say that I've overcome it. It still takes work every day, but I know I'm worth it, so here I am. If you're struggling, stay strong, it gets better. XOXO We'll get through this together.

Yes, I'm crying again, but these are happy tears.

Parents wanted [28 Oct 2019|10:21am]

17 year old girl recently released from juvie (rehabilitated) loves scrabble and pizza seeks loving parents. Great at chores, cooking, and baking. Very handy, great at communicating, will love you forever.

[27 Oct 2019|04:17pm]

Oh my God. What?

Club [26 Oct 2019|10:51am]

[Every man who has a high net worth, high status, or who was ever on the list of eligible bachelors is on here. ]
Stark. I have a bone to pick with you.

Sam- Alfie, Cillian, Danny, Tripp, Eddy, Gregorny, Jack, Jake, Red Hood, Jordan, Kai, Ricky, Prescott, Royce, Scott Lang, Sid, Stan, Thor, Tony, Boy!Pepper,
Rissy- Ben, Brian, Bruce, Charlie, Connor, Dime, Diego, Eli, Finn, George, Happy, Rhodey, Dr. Stalvern, Johnny, Kevin, Mason, Nate, Percival, Cap, Tariq, Ward
Angie- Bucky, Bucky, Clint, Negan, Oliver, DungeonBae, Thomas
If I forgot someone just put them, or if you want someone else to see, just do what you want tbh]

[26 Oct 2019|10:37am]

Stop! Thief! Abracadoggie! [He waves his wand at a teen running out of a bagel shop with stolen tips and they turn into a dog.]

Spam [25 Oct 2019|04:59pm]

[He's sweeping up at a shop and he spots him] Pardon me, are you Tony Stark, sir?

[25 Oct 2019|04:26pm]

[After visiting Mortie in the hospital to make sure he still has an instinctual fight to survive -- he does, Dorian regroups with the gang so they can go to the party Brick's ex is throwing. They crash a costume store and put on their masks and head off with their weapons. Dorian stands at the top of the underpass watching the crowd dance to the music. He just stares at them silently with his metal bat dangling from his finger tips. Mouse is on his right couldn't pass up the opportunity to wear a mouse mask, he rests a golf club over his shoulder as he silently surveys. Camellia stands next to Agnes, watching through the eyes of her kitten mask and gripping her broom handle lightly in her hands. Shit's about to go down.]

Alfie [25 Oct 2019|10:36am]

I'm literally going to die if I have to spend another week in this house sober.

Her show's been over for days.

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