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Spoz [12 Nov 2019|01:04pm]

[She goes back to work with a new determination. Everyone misses the people who were taken. It's devastating when she thinks about it, but she needs to focus on what she still has before they go. She lost so much, but if her luck is right, everyone meant to come back will be back. She still has the rest of the kids besides Peter, she lost Skye, Corinne, Faith, and Tony but she still has the rest of her friends. Alfie, Oz, Ike, Pepper, Evie, and a handful of others who stuck around. She goes by Stark and drops off Skye's work during her break then goes back to Alfie's office and puts in the rest of the work he was meant to do. She isn't his shoulder to cry on, not like she used to be, things are different now. Gwen's his rock, but she'll still help ease his load if she can and right now she can.

When she gets back to the apartment she helps out around the place with things that aren't her responsibility because she can and it's helpful, then she makes her rounds to the people she cares about. The kids, Evie, the patrol team, then she's back home and ready to go on her date with Oz. This one she planned a quiet walk through the art district and a picnic on the beach after it closes so they can talk about important things like his prison stay. She gets dressed in her nice outfit and does her makeup then goes to meet Oz at the club after his shift so they can get going]

Hey, I hope you're ready to get your mind blown by an awesome date.

Narrative [07 Nov 2019|05:45pm]

[He stopped going to school days ago. It doesn't seem to matter these days anyway. He changed up his routine several times so he didn't have to run into his team, they're all moping and he'd rather hang out by himself or at most, play an online game with Ned. He checks Cap's cabin again. Padmé invites him to stay and he says no thanks again before going back to his apartment in Stark Towers. He eats cereal until he falls asleep on his couch.]

Spoz [05 Nov 2019|03:46pm]

Narrative, Spoz )

Mortie [04 Nov 2019|12:56pm]

Take me to Dark City and I'll make sure nobody hurts you again.

Sprick [04 Nov 2019|10:41am]

[She can't sleep. Ever since she met with Seth in his office to discuss the disappearance of his brother and the majority of the crew, she's been on edge. If they can't find them -- especially Dorian, Seth's going to be angry. You wouldn't like Seth when he's angry. She slips out of bed and goes to Brick's place for some company.]

Narrative [03 Nov 2019|05:15pm]

[He hasn't been without Apricot for months. This is the longest they've been apart since they met. He can't sleep without her, he's not sure he did it before. He imagines her back in her apocalypse alone and scared. Surrounded by flesh eating zombies without him or any of the luxuries of living in this society. No hair products or makeup or the food she's grown accustomed to. No bed or pillow or soft blankets. She gets so anxious without him around her and now they'll spend all of eternity apart and she'll be eaten alive. He can't eat. He feels like every last bit of hope inside him was crushed. Sam and Dean are heading out looking again, he doesn't say a word, just climbs into the backseat of their car to come along for the ride. He knows they won't find them, it's just not George's luck. She's gone. He stays in the car while Sam and Dean go into another dark creepy place looking for everyone, Dean told him he gets in the way and he knows that much is true]

Narrative [03 Nov 2019|03:27pm]

[He's been fightign crime since the incident, but now that the Avengers are gone, he's stepped up his game. It's now he realizes how much the town doesn't need them. He doesn't know where they've gone, or when they'll come back, but he's going to be ready if they do return.

He helps the workers unload the weapons and bombs into his headquarters. He already has an army, but they have more than that, they have a mad scientist and a Hulk and a couple hundred Iron-Man drones. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve too. He pays the people for the stuff and calls a team meeting. They'll strike when Katrice gets back.]

Video - No Mortie [01 Nov 2019|03:52pm]

Has anyone seen Steve? Or Natasha?

[30 Oct 2019|08:08pm]

Party at the Shelley's right now. Catered, open bar, DJ, let's get crazy, you crazy slackers.

I'm throwing a party at ours tonight. Mind putting off your regularly scheduled book club til next week? Or take it to Sharon's? Perhaps? Thanks, Lover.

Country Club Spam [29 Oct 2019|07:48pm]

[He writes his name on the tournament list for golf. He's standing in the main room ordering his drink from the very pretty cocktail waitress and looks around to see the rest of the room full of people. Carson and Guerra sit and joke together across the way, a few months ago he was working in their mailroom. Stark's there too, a couple of the Avengers are. There are so many rich and famous faces here. They're schmoozing each other, enjoying the day. It's no wonder they don't do shit; they don't see shit. They're enjoying top shelf bourbon and laughing about sports together while the rest of the city falls to pieces.

He doesn't blame them, not anymore. They do the best they can. He was idle before too but they helped light the fire under his ass. Now he's here to make some changes. He sees the empty podium set up to kick off the golf tournament this afternoon and goes up with his drink, tapping his glass to get their attention. He checks the mic]
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