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Spam for Stam- I mean, Stiles [20 Apr 2017|01:15pm]
[Mandy gets off of work and checks the house, and by the house she means Stiles's house. She looks through the whole place looking for Stiles and heads out when she doesn't find him. She checks the usual spots, all of his favorite food joints, all of the places they usually hang out. Then she starts searching though the areas that they never went together. Down the crowded and busy streets. She doesn't stop as she's cat called or heckled by other people in the town. She doesn't even stop when people reach out to touch her on her hands or legs when she didn't respond. She just swats them away and keeps looking for Stiles.

She goes a little bit faster as she heads into the library. One guy follows her and she turns to him and says]

What the fuck, dickbag? [He reaches out to pull her close and she punches him in the face, the other locals in the library don't seem to notice. The man doesn't seem too hurt by the punch despite his busted lip. He grabs her and pushes her into a bookshelf, the books fall down around them and she struggles under his weight. Her eyes water and she glares at him, teeth clenched] Fuck. [She knows what happens next]
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Stilinski; Redirected OTA [20 Apr 2017|01:32pm]
One thing I will never understand about men is when they think that just because you're drunk you want to go home with them. I shouldn't have to say I have a boyfriend to make them leave me alone.
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[20 Apr 2017|10:11pm]
First the attacks on vampires, then a shooting at the market, and today someone was assaulted in the public library. Is there something in the water making people more violent?
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