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Stiles (accidentally open to all) [04 Aug 2016|02:16pm]
Hey. Um, sorry about the other night. I don't know what came over me and now everything is weird and awkward and
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[04 Aug 2016|02:39pm]
[For the most part, she's still largely avoidant and skittish around people, she's just not good at dealing with them anymore and she doesn't know how to make it better. How to make herself better. She's sitting on her bed, with her back up against the wall, tablet propped up a few feet away from her on the nightstand on the other side of the bed. She bites her lip and twists her fingers together. She doesn't even know what she wants to say, she just wants to feel some kind of normal and this is what everyone does here and...

She drags her knees up toward her chest and rests her chin on the tops of them, staring in the direction of the camera, but not directly at it.]

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Baby Druid Me [04 Aug 2016|03:41pm]
[He means naturalemissary but both can see.]
Hey, Mini-Me. Think you can do me a solid?
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[ viewing | August 4th, 2016 ]
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