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[17 Jan 2016|01:14am]
Three by three. [She mutters to herself as she glances up at the tablet. Bad and good alike come in threes. She's first. Caleb comes soon after. They're not a trio, but a single unit. The cannibals from a few days ago were a trio, though, as were the three taken from Malcolm's group. There are 12 from their universe here. There are 3 Scotts, too. It's a coincidence, but it's still a trend no less. Things run in threes.]
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Olive [17 Jan 2016|01:57am]
I don't know what to do. Dee called me. I think she was about to talk to Eddy, but we fought and now I don't even know if she's still going to. I keep telling myself to not get involved, but I feel like I keep on making things worse. I told Eddy I wouldn't talk to him any more about this, I don't even know how to bring it up without looking like I'm badgering him. I just want this whole thing to be over. What do I do?

[ETA: Eddy]
Delilah spoke to me today. She wanted to see how you were doing. We argued.

[Super ETA: Rhi]
Can we go do something tomorrow afternoon?
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Eddy [17 Jan 2016|09:35am]
Why does everyone seem so tense and upset lately? What's wrong? :(

(ETA) [Fam (EvilBH) minus Eddy & older me]
Is it true? She really picked a boy over Eddy?
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Delilah (the older one) [17 Jan 2016|04:25pm]
Did you know Rhiannon's junkie brother is here? He just messaged me looking for product like I'm one of my father's employees. Honestly, he's lucky I don't kill off the clock.

Also we never finished talking about the boy you left home for. I definitely need more details on whatever guy you think is good enough to fight with Eddy over.

Have you found a way to blow off steam here yet, now that the zombies are gone? Before you say it, I don't mean like that. I killed a cannibal and I was feeling very content until the older Ashford started sending crass messages. Honestly, isn't the first thing you do with someone like that take away their communications devices so that they can't embarrass everyone around them?

[People at the cannibal rescue]
I hope everyone is healing and that there haven't been any further troubles? Because I am still bored out of my mind and looking for something to kill
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Angeline [17 Jan 2016|04:36pm]
I need to talk to you.
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Connor [17 Jan 2016|07:37pm]
I have to tell you something that's going to sound really weird. Are you sitting down? You should sit down.
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Minho [17 Jan 2016|10:00pm]
[*backdated to the day Newt showed up*]

I'm gonna see if the house next door is empty. I think Newt needs some space from me right now.


I'm gonna go for a walk, see what I can find. Wanna come with me?

[Spam for Newt]

[He avoids his friend for the better part of a week after he arrives. When he hears his familiar voice, he wants to talk to him, wants to ask him how he is, but he doesn't. Instead, he respects Newt's desire for space, and quietly closes himself into the nearest room, or slips out the front door when no one is looking.

They went through this once before, back in Dark City. But Newt doesn't remember it. Thomas unfortunately does. The days drag on and he spends his time with Brenda or Chuck, occasionally talking to Minho and Mackenzie when Newt isn't around. It hurts, but it's a necessity.

He's sitting at the table early in the morning, before daylight has fully broken, eating a bowl of Cheerios alone when he hears footsteps approaching. He expects to look up and see Brenda, but his stomach turns when he sees Newt instead.]
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