Monday, December 14th, 2015

be back in a few!

Okay hi! Jojo and I are going away on a trip until Wednesday and we don't know what the internet situation will be -- but I don't want to have anyone held back regarding our bit intro thread so I was wondering if we wanted to kind of vaguely discuss how it might go so that two-person threads can also happen, etc?

♥ We'll be back Wednesday and I'll tag/respond to stuff whenever I have internets!
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Monday, December 7th, 2015

Thought I'd go ahead and post a new meme! This one is going around my f-list:

01) Does your character believe in true love or soul mates? Love at first sight?
02) Are they or have they ever been in love?
03) What are their general feelings about sex?
04) How do they feel about sex without love?
05) What about sex before marriage?
06) What counts as cheating and is cheating forgivable?
07) Have they or would they ever cheat?
08) Are they a virgin?
09) First partner? Most recent?
10) What sort of experience do they have with sex?
11) How comfortable are they with their body?
12) With their partner's body?
13) Who gave them "The Talk"?
14) Post-sex habits? Weird habits?
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Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

30 Days Meme

So this is the super fun, super crazy Thirty Days of Character Development meme, but with some awesome changes originally made by Kait for our old game, and with some more changes by me just now. I thought it would be a cool way to help us develop our little corners of the world a little bit more. Decided to post it all at once, but no reason we can't answer a few at a time. Less pressure, more creativity!

The Thirty Days Meme )
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ooc (kait)

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Saturday, November 28th, 2015

Tags Post

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