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Jun. 22nd, 2008


Taking Fic Prompts

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]shotaphile)

I'm a bit new to State of Play, but I thought it was a fantastic miniseries. Great actors, good storytelling, I was totally blown away.

This is going to come off a bit strange, I suppose, considering it's been nearly half a year since I last wrote fic, and I've yet to actually write anything in this fandom or any of the relating fandoms really, but the fact is I want to, I just have a bit of trouble coming up with plots without turning them into epics.

So what with the Life on Mars ficathon going on later on this month, and a real burning desire to write for State of Play, coupled with a sadly lacking supply of State of Play fic in general, I decided I would put forth a bit of a "challenge" as it were.

I'll write about almost anything, have no real hang ups or sensitivities, and I honestly enjoy every single character in this show, and am always up for a new and interesting challenge. My only real limit is that I seem to be physically incapable of writing smut. I can do innuendo, flirting, emotional trauma and even abstract sex scenes, but smut is utterly beyond me. Beyond that however, I'll write slash, het, gen, DCI William Bell, Cal McCaffrey, Dominic Foy, angst, humor, introspective, whatever. I am totally open to suggestion.

So go ahead, feel free to leave me a prompt. I'll do my very best not to disappoint.

Jun. 7th, 2008


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]meezardra)

[08] The Lion King
[06] State of Play
[08] Skins
[13] Across The Universe
[23] Doctor Who S2, S4 (may be spoilery!)


[02] Across The Universe

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


Jun. 5th, 2008


State of Play icons

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]azuremonkey)

[1-9] Stephen Collins/David Morrissey (9)
[10-23] Cal McCaffrey/John Simm (14)
[25-42] Cal/Stephen (17 + 1 animated)
[43-45] Della Smith/Kelly Macdonald (3)
[46-49] Della/DI Brown (4)
[52-57] Cal/Della (6)
[58-62] Misc. (5)


( 59 State of Play Icons )

May. 29th, 2008


Fic: The Hardest Word, by severinne

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]severinne)

Title: The Hardest Word
Author: severinne
Rating: R/NC-17
Word Count: 998 (wrote something under 1000! w00t!)
Pairing: Cal/Stephen

Summary: Quick, dirty Cal/Stephen ficlet in response to Part 1, set between Cal's ‘Turn around, come back. Let’s get pissed’ and Liz’s morning greeting to Cal in the very next scene of ‘You looked shagged out.’ LOL, it’s the pairing that writes itself, really. Especially when [info]candesgirl is nudging you from the wings ;)

Title nicked from Elton John, because I'm lazy that way. And kinda drunk.

”Sorry )

May. 28th, 2008



Anyone know if there are transcripts online for the series? I could, of course, sit through the scenes of the show and transcribe them myself but eh, I'm lazy.

*hopes it does not boil down to that*


Fic: The way it has to be

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]candesgirl)

Title: The way it has to be
Pairing: Cal/Stephen
Rating: NC 17ish
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and this is of course just for fun.
Word Count: 695

Author's Notes:  I am totally blaming all of this on a thread started over in the  comm [info]lifein1973  and comments traded back and forth between myself and [info]severinne  and  [info]wesseling and then back over here with  [info]mikes_grrl

So there you have it, or rather, here you have it.  I hope you like it!


May. 27th, 2008



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]metalshez)

Hello. I didn't realise until today that there was some sort of movie remake on the cards. I had absolutely no idea until accidentally stumbling across the IMDB page. Can anyone tell me anything more about this? Any thoughts?

May. 25th, 2008


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]meezardra)

I made some State of Play icons! Right now my Photobucket isn't letting me open it, so I can't give you any snazzy previews.
The link is here @ [info]enamelicons. This will be the first of many entries containing State of Play goodness, I promise. =D

May. 14th, 2008


2 More to Go


Well, Mom and I watched episodes 3 ad 4 tonight. Without going spoilery, we were both wondering what the hell Cal was thinking at certain moments.

Also, she does not like Philip Glenister with the short hair and she keeps referring to Cal as Sam. :)

I'm not sure when we'll get to the end, either Wed or Thur next week.

May. 22nd, 2008


Fanfic? Please??

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]candesgirl)

Really, I am just jonesing for some SoP fanfic.  Anyone know where I might be able to find some?  Any of you lovely LoM authors write any?  

Don't make me beg.....I enjoy begging, a favorite pasttime of mine....No one wants that, or well, maybe they do.... 

May. 7th, 2008



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]meezardra)

I joined today! Yay. =D I love this show. I watched it all (in one day) recently when I borrowed the DVD from my local library. I repeat, I loved it!
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for some screen caps of the show? Preferably a HQ gallery?

Ta. ♥

Apr. 30th, 2008




Got around to watching the first 2 episodes properly. I had seen the first but not of the best quality. And as Mom has already seen Mars and Ashes, this was the next step. She has claimed that, after only 2 episodes, she likes this best. I might work her towards Blackpool next.

Apr. 1st, 2008


State of Play icons.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]metalshez)

Hello everyone :] I'm new to this comm... however I bring iconage! Only episode 1 so far, but there shall be more :]

Anyway, ( Clicky! )

I like feedback!

x-posted to:
Sorry if you get this several times!

Apr. 3rd, 2008



I'm working on a short DCI Bell cut-scene piece but, alas, STUPIDHEAD aka Husband deleted State of Play off the computer so I can't check a fact I need to know and can't remember. Care to help?

WELL Christmas came early and I got a copy of the show to watch for myself! *bounces with joy and happiness*

Issue: Did Cal and DCI Bell know each other BEFORE the events that transpired in the series? Or is this when they first meet? Because I am trying to figure out: when Bell is standing outside the hospital after the shooting of the police officer, and he sees Della and Cal talking/arguing in the rain, does he have any idea who Cal is?

...but feel free to post your ideas/observations anyway!

Apr. 1st, 2008


wanders in, waves, wanders off again


Just to say I've landed up here now and am muchly looking forward to SoP goodness. Of course this will require me to rewatch which I've not done in a while. Oh dear, what a shame. And hopefully there will be bunnies, but knowing me they will be of the Cal/Bell variety!
*wanders off again*

Mar. 28th, 2008


State of Play icons (1.01 – 1.04)

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]so_spiffed)

Some State of Play icons can be found at my icon journal. All icons are from parts/episodes 1 – 4.
Icons from episode 1.01 – 1.02: here.
Icons from episode 1.03 – 1.04: here.


Enjoy! :)

Mar. 27th, 2008



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]scotschik)

Bought State of Play on a Simm!hunt and watched it straight through after promising myself I'd take it slow... hah! Then watched it again and again and again... and I'm now reduced to fervently hoping the 'Series 1' on the box isn't a cruel prank and that there will one day be a Series 2...

But now in the meantime I shall haunt the comm and devour any tasty fic that pops up! *prays for lots!*

Look forward to it! : )

Mar. 26th, 2008




Even thought I bought the DVDs pretty much the moment they came out, I have yet to watch it. I did catch the first ep earlier so I know it's rather involved and I want to be in the right mindset to give it the proper consideration it deserves. Later viewing will just be for drooling purposes. Anyway, now I know I have a place to come to for any and all questions and comments.

Mar. 27th, 2008


State of Play, SERIES TWO

Yes we all know about the U.S. version but what I'm talking about here is a SECOND series on BBC staring the original cast. This news is old and I can't find any more current info on production status, so if you can, please post!

1. BBC America Anglphenia blog from April, 2007, confirms second series.
2. Paul Abbott discusses second series with Ian Wylie at Wylie's blog, also from April, 2007

Bill Nighy's website also confirmed his return as Cameron Foster but, that universal source for all things media, has nothing on a second series, and a quick look-see at the BBC sites doesn't give me much either. I'd LOVE for this to happen, if they can get the original cast (Simm, Nighy, and Glenister in particular!) back.

I admit to being totally meh about the U.S. movie version. I am NOT a Crowe fan, and I have yet to forgive him for "Master and Commander" so....

Mar. 26th, 2008



Time to get this comm up and running! The maintainers think that SoP is a great show and deserves a fandom home, and we hope that this will be it. Feel free to join and post!

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