Dec. 31st, 2010


Fic: Red Rock Canyon Reservation 1/1

Seriously, the only betaing done is spellcheck. I will fix that when I finish the sequels.

Title: Red Rock Canyon Reservation
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own StarTrek XI.
Characters: Amanda, Sarek, Vina, George Kirk, Winona Kirk.
Words: 6900
Prompt: District 9
Series: The Reservation
Fandom: StarTrek XI
Pairing: Amanda/(unidentified)Sarek, George/Winona
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Implied Non-Con, Violence, Protests, Sexual Content, Character Death, Imprisonment, Discrimination, Religious Babble, and Racism/Xenophobia.
Summary: They came because there was no other choice. What happened was, perhaps, inevitable.
Author's Note: Not your mother's fluffy Vulcans. Documentary Format, the sequels will be a mix of this and 3rd person, just like the movie.
Read more... )

There are two sequels coming. Both are almost finished being written.

Dec. 30th, 2009


Fic: Feeds The Fire. Pro/? StarTrek XI

Title: Feeds The Fire
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek.
Characters: Spock, Chekov, Uhura, Sarek, Kirk, Sulu, McCoy.
Words: 1352 - This Part
Prompt: A shuttle crash leads to complications.
Fandom: Star Trek: XI - Redux
Pairing: Spock/Nyota, Spock/Chekov
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Violence, Angst, Minor Character Deaths, Sexual Violence.
Summary: Loss has left everyone scarred. Pavel and Spock share a common pain that eats at their lives. Thrown together by a greater circumstance, can they survive the fallout?
Author's Note: This is going to be a long fic, novella length.
Prologue: Two Days Post Vulcan )

Jun. 4th, 2009


{fic} Trying to Breathe (1/1) Kirk/Spock

(cross-posting like w0ah, so apologies for seeing this a billion times or something)

Trying to Breathe
By Clarity Scifiroots
Adults Only
~2,600 words
Summary: Prompt - Kirk is attracted to Spock and he’s also got a vague idea of how good they could be together due to little bits and pieces that filtered through the mind-meld with Spock-prime. But at the same time he’s freaked out by the fact that if Sarek didn’t call Spock off, he would’ve seriously choked him to death. So Kirk tries to stick to only being friends with Spock even though he really wants something more than friendship but he gets freaked out by it becoming more because he can’t get over the whole choking thing.
Originally posted in comments here

(it's getting harder and harder to breathe)