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Hiatus [Jul. 22nd, 2009|12:37 pm]

Hey guys! I'm letting you all know that I'm taking a hiatus for a bit 'cause I'll be in Nicaragua for a week. Hope y'all have fun, and I'll be back soon. :D
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The coolest house in the neighborhood [Jul. 13th, 2009|07:28 pm]
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Just something I thought you guys might enjoy.

(and possibly the galaxy) )
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Howdy! [Jul. 5th, 2009|10:04 pm]
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Greetings, gamepals! I'm Mochi, bringing you your new ship surgeon, Lihana Jall! Fear not, for she is a professional, and has never accidentally sewn any sponges, scalpels, or other foreign objects into a patient during a surgery. Please be nice to her! She's a joined Trill who has had three previous hosts, so don't take it personally if she ever shakes her cane at you and demands that you dang kids get off her lawn, 'kay?

Just kidding, but seriously, I'm really looking forward to playing with you all. Character info can be found here. Oh, and the term "gown dance" refers to how surgeons have to spin around a few times to get their gowns on properly before a surgery. Fun!

If you want to contact me, I'm on aim at "mochihearts" most all the time. I hope to hear from you all soon! :D
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