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Mini-hiatus [Jul. 22nd, 2009|02:27 pm]

Hey guys,

I haven't been feeling very well in the past few days, so I'll need a brief hiatus to relax and get better. I should be back by the weekend.

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[Jul. 1st, 2009|05:20 pm]
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Hello! Nice to meet all of you. My name is Lex, and this is T'Vraeya Dalzen. She's half-Betazoid and half-Vulcan and has spent more than half of her life on a ship of some sort (her parents met while serving on a research ship in Starfleet).

T'Vraeya is the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. She's an outgoing person who is honest to the point of being very blunt. She has a competitive streak and enjoys both strategy games and competitive one on one sports (though she's far better at the strategy games). She can be friendly but she's by no means a party girl - she likes to be in control of herself and she is committed to being a professional.
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