Star Trek: Beta Quadrant - July 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 17th, 2009

Full Speed Ahead [Jul. 17th, 2009|12:39 am]
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We lost our communications officer, so that position is open if anyone is interested. Please update your friends list.

In case anyone hasn't been following it, an important thread is finishing up which you can find here. It's probably one of the most important ones so far, so please read it so you have an idea of what's going on.

Also, you can find info regarding the Vorducaat (the original race we're about to encounter) here. They're a bizarre bunch so it should be interesting.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please reply to this thread. Thanks! =)


Survey Says [Jul. 17th, 2009|03:06 pm]
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All members please take the time to answer this survey question. Thank you!

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