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storylines comm @ exosolar

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Hi! I’m going to apply with this gent here once I get the particulars in order. I would love to work out some connections for him as he’s a bit of a blank slate. His main bio is still a work in progress, as I wanted to see if anything stuck connection wise before I write it up. Here are the basics:

Hollis Curran - Chief Medic on the Endeavor, 37 years old (a Christmas baby!), Captain in the Navy, honorably discharged with a reputation of having the neatest sutures this side of the system. He comes from a lower to middle class family from Mahoroba, so it was very obviously a Big Deal that 1. The ADF took him, 2. Churned out a respectable human being, and 3. Gave him the means to be successful.

He wishes he could be a veterinarian though (on the down low…) and has a pet holo-cat called Dave he inherited from an old navy buddy that assured him it was in like new condition. The fact that occasionally Dave’s front half carries on while his back half glitches in place has grown on Hollis and he doesn’t have the heart to repair it.

Mainly, Hollis is overly eager and just happy to be involved, and would rather solve everybody else’s problems than his own. Definitely open to new and old friends from home or from the service, exes, frienemies, actual enemies, the person from his favorite haunt that knows his order so well they think something is terribly wrong when he decides to be adventurous and order something else for once, etc!
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[ viewing | March 22nd, 2022 ]
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