starling city ooc's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
starling city ooc

Starling City
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[18 Jan 2014|01:59am]
Effie Nashon - [info]riddlersgirl - Currently engaged to Damon Salvatore, runs a computer repair shop and does white hat hacking in her spare time for local companies that need it. Is taking online computer classes to earn her criminal justice degree and become a cop.

Enigma (Caffrey) - [info]_enigma - Married Neal and gave birth to their daughter, Samantha Elizabeth Caffrey. Works as Damien Thorn's PA and is still a thief at night though usually with her husband. Helps out the other refugees when needed.

Roxas - [info]key_of_destiny_ - Works as a shop clerk while going to school, trains people in the art of sword fighting for both stage work and to actually defend themselves.

Adam Conant (TV) - [info]softspokenwitch - Waiter, dating Diana, helping the other magic users as needed.

Adam Conant (Book) - [info]hereditarywitch - Is attending college with Elena, dating Elena, avoiding Damien's smirking face. Still recovering from his demon possession a year later, but the memories are fading. Running the local refugee coven. Trying to learn more magic without his book of shadows.

Bruce Banner - [info]internal_rage - Opened a small medical clinic near the others to provide better access and care for them, charges on a sliding scale now that more refugees are getting work. Hulked out at least once, but got out of town before destroying too much. Is doing his best. Hulk has planted a small garden near the clinic for the community, though he asks you don't touch his flowers.

One Year Later... [18 Jan 2014|04:47pm]
Elena Gilbert | [info]_doppelganger_: living next door to Damon Salvatore and dating him exclusively

Elena Gilbert: | [info]_the_runaway_: Worked out his issues with Tommy and they are now dating. Tommy has paid to change to Queen, because he doesn't want to be associated with the Merlyn Name.

Felicity Smoak | [info]dye_it_blonde: Living with Neal Caffrey and their daughter Ellen. She still works at Queen Consolidated as Oliver Queen's assistant. Neal is head of security.

Felicity Smoak | [info]gameforanything: Currently working for Torchwood and finally comfortable with the idea of Elijah Mikaelson being a vampire

Klaus Mikaelson | [info]changedforher: Has learned about his father Dyson

Klaus Mikaelson | [info]herlastlove: Still very much in love with one Caroline Forbes

Oliver Queen | [info]heartofstarling: Has a second son with Laurel, Robert Thomas. Has proposed to Laurel

Oliver Queen | [info]changedforher: Mayor of Starling

Thea Queen | [info]thea_the_queen: Living with Malcolm Merlyn and taking college classes

[ viewing | January 18th, 2014 ]
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