Monday, November 11th, 2013

This City been great to us, I think its time to thank them.

Right so, who's with me in going to help?
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Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

Right, so now there's nothing to do.

How am I going to survive this place.
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Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Alright, I'm all about keeping K.I.S.S. method on things, so here it goes:

I'm a slayer. What does that mean? Well, contrary to popular belief it involves slaying...things. Now, no crazy ideas, I don't harm humans (unless they are not the innocent kind and even then I don't kill them), but I do kill things such as vampires, demons, and anything related to forces of darkness. Being a slayer means I have the strength and the power to deal with these things, more than normal humans do. Since we have a bit of a vampire problem (more than a bit), I'll offer some advice for what I know about them. We do all come from different places. More than likely, so do these vampires and that means no all of them will be killed the same way. Also, here's a big thing, I know not all vampires are bad and kill people, want world domination, etc. Hence, if you are among the "good" kind or something, I will not harm you. If you keep the blood lust in check, I will not harm you, but killing someone will put you on the naughty list, just saying. Plotting evil? On the list. Trying to kill me? Definitely naughty list. If you're good, out for humanity, and want to save lives? I'm more than willing to work with you. We need as many good guys out there as we can.

So, here is what I know about the vampires from my world. I hope if there is anyone else out there from a world where these things wouldn't work on your vampires, please, comment here and tell people. The normal, average police can't protect us from these things, so we have to protect ourselves. The best advice: if you see one, run the other way. Don't try to fight it. Stay inside if you can or in groups if you can't. For my vampires, they can not go out in daylight, so if you need anything, get it before sundown. My vampires are killed by a stake to the heart, beheading, and setting on fire. They don't like holy water or crosses. Keep these on you. However, they are stronger than humans and killing them will be hard for an average human with no training. So, stay inside at night if you can and go out during the day. Even during the day, stay in groups.

My friends and I, we know how to handle them, and for the ones we don't, watch out: We're fast, fast learners.
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Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Oh my God, be careful out there...I was just attacked.
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Monday, July 29th, 2013

You've got to be freaking kidding me!

I thought magic was broken or whatever.

Red? You out there?
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