Friday, October 18th, 2013

Damon, we need more pillows and water in our room! And see if you can get the staff to get us some more shampoo, you used the last as bubble bath!
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Friday, October 11th, 2013

So, due to a little zombie infestation in my apartment building...I'm totally moving into the hotel. Anyone got a spare patch of floor a girl can camp out in...or a room...or something? Before my brains get eaten, please?
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Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Well this is just.... great.
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So...if anyone finds a leopard print, six inch stiletto heel, size five near First, can I have it back? I lost it trying to hit a vampire who tried to eat me and they're five hundred dollar really nice shoes. I kinda like them.

Plus I just look silly with only one!
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