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:+: StarDancer Icons :+:

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Jessalyn Gilsig: Set 2 [14 May 2009|12:42pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | You'll Be Sorry - Gia Farrell ]

70 Jessalyn Gilsig Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Heroes - Ep 1x15 "Run!"

When you're leaving, don't forget to leave your key )

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Requests [14 May 2009|01:35pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Requiem For a Dream - Clint Mansell ]

Okay guys, I've got a lot of time on my hands, so I've decided to take requests. I normally only like to icon from DVDs, so here's a list of all the DVDs I have at my disposal. Well, not ALL of them. I have a crapload more in the living room. I'll add those later.

Who do you want to see iconed?

TV Shows )

Movies )

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Freddie Highmore [14 May 2009|03:22pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | The Fear - Lily Allen ]

190 Freddie Highmore Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush

I don't care about clever; I don't care about funny )

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Jonathan Rhys Meyers [14 May 2009|03:51pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | This Year's Love - David Gray ]

120 Jonathan Rhys Meyers icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush

Cause it takes something more this time than sweet, sweet lies )

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Kerri Russell [14 May 2009|04:07pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Courage - Sarah Polley ]

140 Kerri Russell icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush

Courage, my word, it doesn't come; it doesn't matter )

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Terrence Howard [14 May 2009|04:26pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Mellow Yellow - Donovan ]

40 Terrence Howard icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush (except icon 40, I only capped up to 39 from the movie)

They call me 'mellow yellow' )

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Lisa Kudrow [14 May 2009|08:51pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Nara - E.S. Posthumus ]

80 Lisa Kudrow icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Friends - Ep 1x5 "The One with the East German Laundry Detergent"

All your clothes match... I'm gonna do this! )

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[ viewing | May 14th, 2009 ]
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