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Mackenzie Rosman: Set 3 [19 Jan 2013|03:37am]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Florence and the Machine - Seven Devils ]

30 Mackenzie Rosman icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Various photoshoots and movie/tv stills. Film includes 'Ligeia,' 'Fading of the Cries,' and 'Proud American.'

See I've come to burn your kingdom down. )

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Daria: Set 2 [18 Jan 2013|11:26pm]

[ mood | high ]
[ music | Barcelona - Get Up ]

67 'Daria' icons


Screencaps taken from: Daria - Ep 4x10 "Legends of the Mall" {second half}

Holy crap. I thought I'd lost the whole second batch of these. Apparently, I uploaded a few of them before my old dinosaur computer crashed. And I stumbled across them yesterday while I was looking through my old photobook archives. Now, I'm not sure if I actually edited these ones (cleaned them up and all that jazz) or just uploaded unaltered/half finished (yet already cropped. I always try to do that as soon as I finish making screencaps). Either way, they've been waiting a long time to join the rest of the batch.

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.

Hidden way back in the very bottom of the photobook )

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Mackenzie Rosman: Set 2 [27 Nov 2012|08:32pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Juliet Lloyd - Criminal ]

65 Mackenzie Rosman Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: 'Fading Of The Cries' Some turned out better than others.

Mama, please don't cry; I will be all right. )

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Mackenzie Rosman: Set 1 [20 Nov 2012|09:09pm]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | Adele - Someone Like You ]

16 Mackenzie Rosman icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: The music video for Heartbreak's 'Just Like Goodbye.'

I love Mack's face for pb use, but I've only ever found two good icon batches for her. Ever. And they were all 7th Heaven stuff, so I finally decided to make some icons with her from anything else I can find. Starting with this music video.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited, but I couldn't stay away. )

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Lindsay Hartley [10 Aug 2010|10:11pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Breathe - Jane French ]

55 Lindsay Hartley Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Lindsay Hartley Fan.

Some turned out better than others. It occurred to me halfway through this set that I could just get better quality caps from another site, but I felt like trying to salvage the ones I was already working on.

That said-- <3 Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald.

'I believe it was fate that brought us here together tonight, Ethan. You see, you've always been my prince, and I've always seen myself as your Cinderella. I beg you, please don't marry Gwen before you give us a chance. I know you and I are meant to be together. What I'm trying to say is I love you, Ethan. I always have, and I always will. Do you think you could ever love me?' )

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Mary-Louise Parker: Set 2 [25 Jan 2010|10:48pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) - Lady Gaga ]

53 Mary-Louise Parker icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Weeds - Ep 1x02 "Free Goat" (Mary-Louise Parker Source)

Boy, we've had a real good time and I wish you the best on your way )

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Mary-Louise Parker: Set 1 [25 Jan 2010|02:09am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Ur So Gay - Katy Perry ]

72 Mary-Louise Parker icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Weeds - Ep 1x01 "You Can‘t Miss the Bear" (Mary-Louise Parker Source)

You're so gay, and you don't even like boys )

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Dakota Fanning: Set 2 [24 Jan 2010|07:44pm]

[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Wear Your Love like Heaven - Donovan ]

149 Dakota Fannings icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: 'Push' DVD (second half).

Some of them had funny coloring, and I like to try different things with them which is why there's a few here and there that aren't quite like the rest.

Color in sky prussian blue; scarlet fleece changes hue )

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Dakota Fanning: Set 1 [24 Jan 2010|07:28pm]

[ mood | high ]
[ music | You Spin Me Round - Dead or Alive ]

155 Dakota Fannings icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: 'Push' DVD (first half).

Though I only ended up capping about an hour of the film. I was already at 800, so I'd called it a day. And some of them had funny coloring, and I like to try different things with them which is why there's a few here and there that aren't quite like the rest.

All I know is that to me, you look like you're having fun )

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Pregnancy icons [14 Jan 2010|02:06pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Lula Belle - Hanson ]

34 Pregnancy Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Google. I didn't alter the images, simply cropped and cleaned them up.

The prettiest kind of woman. )

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True Blood icons [05 Dec 2009|12:02am]

[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Beyond Here Lies Nothing - Bob Dylan ]

20 animated True Blood icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: HBO 'True Blood' season 2 teaser

Probably the only animated icons I'll ever make. I thought they turned out quite nicely for my first try.

Beyond here lies nothing- nothing I can call my own. )

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Dad, you are a GD idiot. [03 Dec 2009|10:34am]

[ mood | high ]

233 'Daria' icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Daria - Ep 4x10 "Legends of the Mall" {first half}

Maybe we better lay off the martoonies... )

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Connie Britton [17 Jun 2009|08:37am]

[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Gardenia - Mandy Moore ]

60 Connie Britton Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Google. What I wouldn't give for the FNL dvds. She is absolutely a doll.

Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose. )

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Ashley Olsen: Set 2 [18 May 2009|06:41pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | The Lion Fell in Love with the Lamb - Carter Burwell ]

230 Ashley Olsen icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: New York Minute (caps from Olsen-Fan)

We're already in two, you moron! )

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Lisa Kudrow [14 May 2009|08:51pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Nara - E.S. Posthumus ]

80 Lisa Kudrow icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Friends - Ep 1x5 "The One with the East German Laundry Detergent"

All your clothes match... I'm gonna do this! )

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Terrence Howard [14 May 2009|04:26pm]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Mellow Yellow - Donovan ]

40 Terrence Howard icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush (except icon 40, I only capped up to 39 from the movie)

They call me 'mellow yellow' )

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Kerri Russell [14 May 2009|04:07pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Courage - Sarah Polley ]

140 Kerri Russell icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush

Courage, my word, it doesn't come; it doesn't matter )

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Jonathan Rhys Meyers [14 May 2009|03:51pm]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | This Year's Love - David Gray ]

120 Jonathan Rhys Meyers icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush

Cause it takes something more this time than sweet, sweet lies )

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Freddie Highmore [14 May 2009|03:22pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | The Fear - Lily Allen ]

190 Freddie Highmore Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: August Rush

I don't care about clever; I don't care about funny )

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Requests [14 May 2009|01:35pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Requiem For a Dream - Clint Mansell ]

Okay guys, I've got a lot of time on my hands, so I've decided to take requests. I normally only like to icon from DVDs, so here's a list of all the DVDs I have at my disposal. Well, not ALL of them. I have a crapload more in the living room. I'll add those later.

Who do you want to see iconed?

TV Shows )

Movies )

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